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51% Attack

cryptocurrency August 11, 2020

Ethereum Classic was 51% attacked for the second time in less than two years. The most recent hack, which happened over a two-day period starting July 31st, netted hackers an estimated $5.6 million. Advertisements Since then, many have reached out to the Ethereum Classic team, including IOHK CEO Charles Hoskinson. Hoskinson left Ethereum in 2014 […]

cryptocurrency August 6, 2020

Ethereum Classic suffered a 51% attack last weekend, the second such attack in less than two years. Initial investigations at the time showed no evidence of double-spending. Advertisements Advertisements Ethereum Classic (ETC) price drops after reports of a 51% attack. (Source: However, almost a week on, further investigations have revealed that the attacker managed […]

cryptocurrency August 1, 2020

Advertisements In brief: Earlier today, Etheruem Classic experienced a chain split that hinted of a possible 51% attack.  Crypto exchanges were advised to pause deposits and withdrawals.  Investigations are still ongoing with an initial diagnosis hinting that the chain split was not malicious in nature.  Unmined transactions will be re-submitted.  Earlier today, EtherChain, the team […]