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cryptocurrency July 4, 2020

Advertisements Decentralized finance is growing at a rapid pace, and at the center of it all is Ethereum. Sentiment surrounding the largest altcoin in the cryptocurrency industry, however, is extremely low after a prolonged bear market. The growth in DeFi has brought some positive buzz back to the altcoin, but pundits argue that without another […]

cryptocurrency January 20, 2020

\n Advertisements The number of new altcoins and stablecoins being offered to the general public continues to increase. This is in spite of the fact that the Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) that started the altcoin craze have met mostly failure. Sorry, but, what is this garbage? — snipe(); (@0xSnipe) January 18, 2020 The beginning […]

cryptocurrency August 17, 2019

The Takeaway: Advertisements Monolith turned a $16.9 million ICO into $25 million-worth of assets by riding the bull market of 2017 then taking out DAI loans. This DAI strategy is increasingly common among ethereum-centric startups. MakerDAO and Monolith are now collaborating to connect DeFi loans to a European Visa debit card. Ether fans can spend […]

cryptocurrency November 26, 2018

Since raising $6 million in a 2017 initial coin offering (ICO), porn startup SpankChain has differentiated itself from the token-sale pack by actually delivering a platform with thousands of users. Advertisements Revealed exclusively to CoinDesk, SpankChain boasted 6,136 active users as of October, and has paid roughly $72,422 in cryptocurrency to 31 webcam models since […]

cryptocurrency September 27, 2018

Q&A With qiibee How does the qiibee token function within the platform and why is it needed? qiibee: qiibee’s token economics are designed so that brands can easily issue their own tokens with the LoyaltyToken Protocol. To do so, they first need to specify their own loyalty tokens suited to their needs. After defining these parameters, the […]

cryptocurrency September 11, 2018

On this episode of the ICO Alert Podcast, I talk with Thomas Schouten, Head of Marketing at Lisk. We talk about Lisk’s use of sidechains, their competition and where Lisk is headed in 2018 and 2019. Advertisements I have a lot of respect for the Lisk team and have had the pleasure of meeting many […]

cryptocurrency September 10, 2018

What is Block66? “Block66 is building a new blockchain-enabled marketplace for mortgages. Institutional and private lenders can use the service to offer loans to a wide range of borrowers, introduced by Block66 broker partners. Through the practical use of smart contracts, loans can be taken from origination to facilitation, quickly and efficiently.”— CEO Joe Markham ICO Alert […]

cryptocurrency September 5, 2018

Q&A with ClinTex’s Team Neill Barron, Director of Clinical Data Analytics & Brendan O’ Mainnin, Director of Operations ICO Alert: How does the CLX token function within the platform and why is it needed? What are the major dApps that users should look forward too? Advertisements ClinTex: The CLX token will primarily be used for […]

cryptocurrency August 30, 2018

Ethereum dominated the crypto market in 2017 as the smart contract platform of choice for ICOs and blockchain projects. In 2017, over 95% of projects decided to run their token sale and/or build their decentralized application using Ethereum’s ERC20 standard (or some form of it). Advertisements While Ethereum clearly has first mover advantage, it seems […]