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Day: April 30, 2021

cryptocurrency April 30, 2021

In a bid to save the Ethereum mining community, a group known as the Ethereum Genesys Foundation (EGF) successfully hard forked the chain to continue Proof-of-Work (PoW) mining. Advertisements With the ETH 2.0 upgrade well underway, the switch to Proof-of-Stake (PoS) would render miners redundant. What’s more, miners claim they are slowly being phased out, […]

cryptocurrency April 30, 2021

Advertisements Ethereum’s chances of hitting $5k by June currently stand at 6% ETH has continued to maintain the $2,700 price area, into options and futures expiry today There is also the monthly close ahead which should be ETH’s last hurdle towards new ATHs On a fundamental level, Ethereum’s market cap has exceeded Paypal’s and could […]