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Day: September 28, 2022

cryptocurrency September 28, 2022

Fantom, the scalable blockchain platform, in its latest general update, intimated its users of the growth registered on its network. According to the update, in the last three months, Fantom saw an average daily transactions count of 820,000. Advertisements With new addresses registering on the network during Q3, unique wallet addresses on Fantom stood at […]

cryptocurrency September 28, 2022

Advertisements British auction house Christie’s has launched Christie’s 3.0, an online art auction platform on Ethereum  The auction house will be conducting all transactions online, including post-sales and payments in ETH. The leading British auction house, Christie’s, has launched Christie’s 3.0, a virtual auction platform on Ethereum in collaboration with Chainanalysis, Manifold, and Spatial. Christie’s […]

cryptocurrency September 28, 2022

Advertisements The new marketplace allows the prestigious auction house to carry out auctions and sales on the Ethereum blockchain “from start to finish.” After a series of successful high-priced nonfungible token (NFT) sales, Christie’s has launched its own dedicated NFT “on-chain auction platform,” allowing auctions to be carried out fully on-chain on the Ethereum network. […]