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Day: June 7, 2023

cryptocurrency June 7, 2023

Lido’s dominance in the Ethereum staking market should raise serious concerns about Ethereum’s centralization, say the heads of the decentralized autonomous organization Asymmetry Finance. The potential impact of centralization on Ethereum could be catastrophic, leading to market crashes and protocol failures. Will regulators and community members wake up in time? Advertisements Since the Bitcoin Whitepaper […]

cryptocurrency June 7, 2023

Advertisements Dorsey supported a 2015 suggestion that Coinbase should focus on Bitcoin.  Twitter boss Elon Musk also chipped in to support Dogecoin. Twitter founder and long-term Bitcoin advocate Jack Dorsey claimed on Twitter that Ethereum [ETH] is a security and his comments have created a furore. Dorsey responded with “yes” to a question asking if […]