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cryptocurrency July 27, 2018

Like Galileo, Descartes felt too threatened to publicly question some prevailing opinions. Perhaps he had some internal inhibitions, too. Advertisements It’s difficult to question what everyone else believes. Just ask Lucas Goodwin from House of Cards. Just ask an activist whose views, despite having intelligent arguments for them, are still marginalized by much of society — a […]

cryptocurrency July 27, 2018

Google Pulls MetaMask But Not Phishing Apps, Iran Plans State Cryptocurrency, Top Market Moves Advertisements Google Pulled MetaMask from Chrome Store, but Left a Phishing Scam Up Coindesk reports, and ICO Alert confirms, that the giant Google removed the popular Ethereum browser utility MetaMask from its Google Chrome App Store. Google claimed this was a mistake. Meanwhile, […]

cryptocurrency July 27, 2018

Google has prohibited applications that mine cryptocurrencies on devices. Advertisements Cryptocurrency mining requires overwhelming electricity consumption, which has led to environmental concerns and worries about the stress endured by overclocked hardware. Technology giants are aware of these issues and now some, like Apple and Google, are taking preventative actions (likely to safeguard device health and […]

cryptocurrency July 27, 2018

A recent report from the Canadian financial authority investigates central bank-issued digital currencies and how they might improve the economy. Advertisements Researcher S. Mohammad R. Davoodalhosseini of the Bank of Canada, the country’s central bank, published a working paper regarding the potential benefits of central bank-issued digital currencies (CBDCs). He reviews the state of CBDCs […]

cryptocurrency July 27, 2018

You’ve got questions. Deva the Devcon Unicorn has answers. Advertisements Today, Deva the Devcon Unicorn took to the Ethereum Foundation blog to post an update on Devcon 4. In it, she succinctly answers some burning questions, the most important being “when’s the next wave of ticket sales?” General admission tickets will go back on sale […]

cryptocurrency July 27, 2018

Earlier this week, Governor John Carney signed into law three bills that change the state’s corporate and trust laws to better accommodate blockchain technology. Advertisements With more than half of all Fortune 500 companies incorporated in Delaware, the state prides itself on a statutory framework attractive to businesses. The state doesn’t want to see its […]

cryptocurrency July 26, 2018

The ICO Alert Podcast showcases exclusive, in-depth interviews with founders of past, present, and future Initial Coin Offerings and service providers. New episodes are released weekly. If you’d like, you can request a guest to appear on a future episode by tweeting us @icoalert Advertisements The ICO Alert Podcast is available on iTunes and anywhere […]

cryptocurrency July 26, 2018

What is WONO? WONO is a peer-to-peer platform for sharing and freelancing. Literally, you can share what you have (including your time and talents) and get what you want from other users. In simple terms, WONO combines functions of Airbnb, Turo, Upwork and TaskRabbit on blockchain, solving major problems of the existing sharing services: high commissions, vendor […]

cryptocurrency July 26, 2018

The blockchain Dapp browser extension recently posted a retrospective about Wednesday’s events. Advertisements This morning, Kevin Serrano, writing on behalf of MetaMask, published a retrospective on Medium regarding the extension’s temporary removal from the Chrome Web Store. The MetaMask crew initially learned of the delisting when a team member noticed the extension’s absence from the […]

cryptocurrency July 26, 2018

Although Switzerland has become a hotbed for initial coin offerings, the country’s financial regulator (FINMA) hasn’t taken kindly to violations of banking laws. Envion AG, which raised more than $100 million from investors, is the second major ICO that has stirred up controversy in Switzerland. Advertisements On July 26, 2018, FINMA – the Swiss Financial […]