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cryptocurrency June 14, 2018

Now that cryptocurrency laws and regulations have been put into place, Thailand’s SEC is ready to approve ICO fundraising. Advertisements The Bangkok Times reported June 13 that five new ICO projects will register for consideration by Thailand’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to begin fundraising procedures after regulatory laws for the cryptocurrency industry come into […]

cryptocurrency June 14, 2018

Today the New York Department of Financial Services announced it has granted a BitLicense to Xapo and authorized settlement platform Paxos to expand the scope of its services. Advertisements The New York Department of Financial Services (DFS) has granted a BitLicense to the digital financial services company Xapo, bringing the total number of approved charters […]

cryptocurrency June 14, 2018

Wouldn’t it be nice if money just fell from the sky? In the world of cryptocurrency, sometimes it happens. Advertisements Note: This article was initially published on October 9, 2017. The word “airdrop” immediately evokes images of parachutes and crates filled with vital supplies floating through the sky. When you hear “airdrop,” you might think […]

cryptocurrency June 13, 2018

New research claims Bitcoin, Tether and Bitfinex manipulations artificially pumped the crypto markets, Binance to begin fiat-to-crypto trading market, highs, lows, and more… Advertisements New Research Claims Bitcoin Price was Artificially Inflated According to the New York Times, a concentrated campaign of price manipulation may have accounted for at least half of the increase in the […]

cryptocurrency June 13, 2018

In a bid to alleviate some of the work involved in closing out contracts, the Department of Veteran Affairs is requesting information about blockchain technology. Advertisements On June 7, the US Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) issued a request for information (RFI) regarding how blockchain technology could be used to simplify and streamline the department’s […]

cryptocurrency June 13, 2018

The EOS mainnet launched last week but the project is stalled. The EOS community has been unable to select the 21 block producers required for the project to move ahead. Advertisements EOS technically launched on Saturday, but the project’s future remains uncertain as the community seems unable to choose block producers. EOS defines a “block […]

cryptocurrency June 13, 2018

On Monday, researchers from the University of Texas at Austin published a study indicating that Tether was used to unduly influence bitcoin’s 2017 ascent. Their paper seems to confirm what many have believed for months, if not years, that cryptocurrency markets are susceptible to manipulation. Advertisements When the bitcoin price falls, traders and journalists scramble […]

cryptocurrency June 12, 2018

Some members of the crypto community were surprised Tuesday when the U.S.-based exchange startup Coinbase announced that it plans to list ethereum classic (ETC). Advertisements ETC traces its origins back to 2016 and the collapse of the DAO, the ethereum-based, smart contract-powered funding vehicle that fell apart following a debilitating code exploit. The network is […]

cryptocurrency June 12, 2018

Tykn, Climate Future, ImpactPPA, and Grapevine presented their pitches. Which one will be the winner? The pitches below are taken directly from these ICO companies’ own pitch slides and website pitches, with modifications for this article format. Links are provided to the website of each company. Advertisements World Blockchain Forum’s Humanitarian & Environmental ICO Pitch Panel […]

cryptocurrency June 12, 2018

Apple adds further clarification to its policy on crypto-apps; SEC Democratic Commissioner thinks ICOs can’t be rule-written; Potcoin sponsors Dennis Rodman; Top 5 Movers and Shakers and more! Advertisements Apple Revises Cryptocurrency & ICO Guidelines For The App Store Yesterday, as reported by, Apple has slightly revised its guidelines surrounding which cryptocurrency and/or ICO apps […]