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cryptocurrency April 19, 2018

The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) intends to release a set of common blockchain standards for businesses in 2018, one of the consortium’s leading members said Thursday. Advertisements Onstage at Blockchain Expo in London, Jeremy Millar, a founding board member of the 450-member group, which boasts Accenture, JP Morgan and UBS among its ranks, provided the update […]

cryptocurrency April 19, 2018

In today’s ICO Alert Crypto Minute: Cambridge Analytica planned to launch an ICO, Telegram users blocked in Russia, Xdite runs for mayor, and The SEC is out here serving up subpoenas! Don’t miss this… Advertisements Cambridge Analytica planned ICO before Facebook controversy According to a report from Reuters, the catalyst of the much publicized Facebook data […]

cryptocurrency April 19, 2018

When you’re going into business, it’s good to have the regulators on your side. Advertisements Late last month, venture capital firms Andreessen Horowitz and Union Square Ventures (USV) reportedly met with officials from the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance to discuss potential regulatory exemptions for innovations related to blockchain and cryptocurrency. Andreessen was represented by […]

cryptocurrency April 19, 2018

In order to circumvent sanctions against Russia, a cryptocurrency fund may be established in Crimea, where a high-ranking Russian legislator has also discussed establishing a so-called “cryptocurrency haven.” Advertisements UPDATED | April 20, 2018: In comments made on April 20, Anatoly Aksakov, the Chairman of the State Duma’s Financial Market Committee, indicated that one of […]

cryptocurrency April 19, 2018

The Slavic god of lightning, Perun, is entering the ethereum ecosystem (in spirit at least). Advertisements Inspired by bitcoin’s lightning network, a group of researchers hailing from Warsaw have unveiled a new white paper entitled “Foundations of State Channel Networks,” which outlines a protocol designed to help ethereum scale to support higher volumes of more complex smart […]

cryptocurrency April 19, 2018

Russia’s proposed state-issued digital currency is coming, according to one of the country’s legislators. However, with SWIFT indicating that it has no plans to stop servicing Russian banks, it’s unclear whether another Russian proposal, for a payments network that would include it and several nearby countries, will continue to interest policymakers. Advertisements The head of […]

cryptocurrency April 18, 2018

In today’s ICO Alert Crypto Minute: PornHub now accepts Cryptocurrency payments; New York makes a splash with cryptocurrency exchanges; IMF boss Christine Lagarde praises Bitcoin; and Eligma has signed letters of intent with retailers in a major mall. Enjoy! Advertisements PornHub Partners with Cryptocurrency Verge to Accept Payments According to WIRED, the adult website Pornhub is now […]

cryptocurrency April 18, 2018

In its 10-K filing, Riot Blockchain shared that the company was recently subpoenaed by the SEC. Despite a myriad of concerns, the Nasdaq-listed company claims to be pushing forward with plans to expand its bitcoin mining operation and to possibly launch a cryptocurrency exchange. Advertisements On Tuesday, Riot Blockchain (formerly Bioptix) filed its annual report […]

cryptocurrency April 18, 2018

“The least evil.” Advertisements That’s how one ethereum user described the latest effort to recover $264 million in cryptocurrency lost due to a code fault in a popular ethereum wallet. But while the recovery efforts that have proliferated since the November incident have been so far shunned, a new effort, now documented in code, aims for […]