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cryptocurrency January 8, 2018

Credits: Advertisements Were you surprised at Ethereum prices this morning? If the answer is yes, you are not alone. The sudden drop in ETH prices (without a corresponding fall in market cap) was perplexing at first glance. But then I dug a little deeper. It seems that changed how it calculates crypto prices. […]

cryptocurrency January 8, 2018

ICO Alert does not provide investment, financial, or legal advice. This site cannot substitute for professional advice and independent factual verification. ICO Alert does not endorse any initial coin offerings advertised on this site but does receive compensation for advertising certain offerings. The content provided or linked on this site is for informational purposes only. […]

cryptocurrency January 8, 2018

A change to Nvidia’s terms of service will make data centers fork over big bucks for higher end cards, but cryptocurrencies miners are off the hook. Advertisements On January 7, 2018 it was reported that Nvidia, popular maker of graphics cards often used to mine cryptocurrencies such as Ether and bitcoin, altered its terms of […]

cryptocurrency January 8, 2018

After its share price soared over 2,000 percent, the SEC has temporarily halted trading of UBI Blockchain’s common stock. Advertisements On January 5, 2018, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) released a statement announcing the temporary suspension of securities trading of Hong Kong-based UBI Blockchain Internet, Ltd (UBIA). The freeze, effective 9:30 a.m. EST today, […]

cryptocurrency January 8, 2018

Estonia is more than  a ‘tiny baltic country in Europe’. As a matter of fact, the country of 1.3 million people has proven to be a hotbed for revolutionary ideas and visionary products. Estonia has a history of unleashing tech solutions that facilitates direct interactions between users, one such solution is Skype. The peer-to-peer video […]

cryptocurrency January 8, 2018

NEO is unlike bitcoin. Where bitcoin uses the blockchain to validate transactions, NEO uses the blockchain to digitize assets, use smart contracts, and achieve a ‘smart economy’ based on a distributed network. NEO allows assets like cars, TVs, and even clothes to be digitized into digital assets so that smart contracts can operate on them. […]

cryptocurrency January 7, 2018

ICO Alert does not provide investment, financial, or legal advice. This site cannot substitute for professional advice and independent factual verification. ICO Alert does not endorse any initial coin offerings advertised on this site but does receive compensation for advertising certain offerings. The content provided or linked on this site is for informational purposes only. […]

cryptocurrency January 7, 2018

Estimated gas price on the Ethereum network has increased substantially, an issue that seems to be affecting Geth and Parity nodes. To guard against prohibitively high gas prices, users have been advised to manually lower their gas estimates. Advertisements UPDATED | January 8, 2018 After further correspondence with Griff Green, he explained that the gas […]

cryptocurrency January 7, 2018

The combined market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies hit $800 bln on Sunday, just days after reaching the previous all-time high of $700 bln. The number is at over $825 bln as of press time and keeps growing. Advertisements Following a two-day period of sharp decline just before the New Year, the majority of cryptocurrencies are […]

cryptocurrency January 6, 2018

The Brazilian government is seeking to move popular petitions, an inefficient electoral system of the country, onto the Ethereum network, to process hundreds of millions of votes on the immutable Blockchain network. Advertisements In Brazil, popular petitions enable over 145 mln voters across the country to come to a consensus on important political decisions. But, […]
