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cryptocurrency January 27, 2018

Ads displayed on YouTube covertly siphon visitors’ CPUs and electricity to mine Monero for anonymous attackers. Image from Sergey Nivens. Investors Put USD 240 Million Into Two Blockchain-Focused ETFs in Just Two Weeks According to CNBC, investors have put approximately USD 240 million into two blockchain-focused ETFs over the past two weeks. Amplify Transformation Data Sharing ETF […]

cryptocurrency January 27, 2018

January 27, 2018 12:14 AM Advertisements At least two individuals who have been running the Lightning Network on the Bitcoin mainnet have apparently lost funds due to bugs when they tried to close payment channels. UPDATED | January 29, 2018: Advertisements Details about those reporting losses have been updated for accuracy. Since the original publication […]

cryptocurrency January 27, 2018

This article is a sponsored Press Release. Advertisements 3D-TOKEN ICO – ETHERICAL INVESTS IN 3DT Turin, Italy – 3D-Token, which is running on the back of an already existing business (Politronica Srl) have launched their Initial Coin Offering in one of the most exciting and dynamic spaces on the Internet. Just-in-time manufacturing has been revolutionizing […]

cryptocurrency January 26, 2018

ICO Alert does not endorse or recommend participating in any initial coin offerings. ICO Alert receives a promotional fee for the production of this ICO Alert Report. Please click here for additional important information. Advertisements ICO Alert Quick Facts Peer-to-peer Freelance system 1 ETH = 1,000 ERT token February 28, 2018 — March 31, 2018 30,000,000 total available […]

cryptocurrency January 26, 2018

Ethereum is getting closer to deploying new technology that would allow the network to scale, its founder said. Advertisements “It seems like part one of phase one is getting something like being already done,” Vitalik Buterin said in a developer meeting. The technology, known as sharding, attempts to split the ethereum blockchain’s data into more manageable […]

cryptocurrency January 26, 2018

Advertisements Credits: Ethereum News Update As predicted, the folks at this year’s World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland hedged their bets on cryptocurrencies. On one hand, they don’t think Bitcoin is a stable currency; on the other, blockchain is a super-useful technology…for anything other than money. If you’re wondering why this matters, remember that […]

cryptocurrency January 26, 2018

Sitting at his desk at Credit Suisse, Sina Nader watched the bottom fall out of the global economy. Advertisements As a junior associate helping manage a $100 million portfolio of equities, he had a first-hand view of the 2007-2008 collapse from the Swiss bank’s Los Angeles offices and recalls frantically taking screenshots of the price […]

cryptocurrency January 26, 2018

On Wednesday, the leaders of the SEC and CFTC published a statement in the Wall Street Journal. They told readers that “regulators are looking at cryptocurrency” and the agencies take their responsibilities seriously. Advertisements On January 24, 2018, US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) chairman Jay Clayton and Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) chairman J. […]

cryptocurrency January 26, 2018

Russia’s Ministry of Finance has published a draft of the long-awaited law regulating token offerings and the trade of cryptocurrencies. Advertisements On January 25, Russia’s Ministry of Finance published the text of a draft law that would regulate the issuance, trade, and storage of cryptocurrencies, as well as placing certain legal requirements on parties that […]

cryptocurrency January 26, 2018

January 26, 2018 11:16 PM Advertisements The vice governor of the People’s Bank of China wrote a telling op-ed about the central bank’s plans for creating a state-backed digital currency. Fan Yifei, vice governor of the People’s Bank of China (PBoC), revealed new information about his country’s digital currency initiative Thursday. Breaking with what had […]