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cryptocurrency January 29, 2018

Advertisements Ethereum News Update Last week didn’t feel bullish for Ethereum. Nonetheless, ETH prices advanced nearly 16% in the past seven days. The lesson? Markets don’t care what we feel. Sentiment only matters insofar as it reveals the buying intentions of other investors. Look at the numbers instead. They show that Ethereum is outperforming other […]

cryptocurrency January 29, 2018

Thanks to Blockchain applications like Ethereum, initial coin offerings have become part and parcel of the cryptocurrency world. Advertisements As businesses integrate innovative ideas with Blockchain technology, they’ve been able to raise a large amount of capital through initial coin offerings (ICO) – much like companies that list themselves on stock exchanges in an initial […]

cryptocurrency January 27, 2018

January 27, 2018 12:14 AM Advertisements At least two individuals who have been running the Lightning Network on the Bitcoin mainnet have apparently lost funds due to bugs when they tried to close payment channels. UPDATED | January 29, 2018: Details about those reporting losses have been updated for accuracy. Since the original publication of […]

cryptocurrency January 26, 2018

Advertisements Credits: Ethereum News Update As predicted, the folks at this year’s World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland hedged their bets on cryptocurrencies. On one hand, they don’t think Bitcoin is a stable currency; on the other, blockchain is a super-useful technology…for anything other than money. If you’re wondering why this matters, remember that […]

cryptocurrency January 26, 2018

On Wednesday, the leaders of the SEC and CFTC published a statement in the Wall Street Journal. They told readers that “regulators are looking at cryptocurrency” and the agencies take their responsibilities seriously. Advertisements On January 24, 2018, US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) chairman Jay Clayton and Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) chairman J. […]

cryptocurrency January 26, 2018

Russia’s Ministry of Finance has published a draft of the long-awaited law regulating token offerings and the trade of cryptocurrencies. Advertisements On January 25, Russia’s Ministry of Finance published the text of a draft law that would regulate the issuance, trade, and storage of cryptocurrencies, as well as placing certain legal requirements on parties that […]

cryptocurrency January 26, 2018

January 26, 2018 11:16 PM Advertisements The vice governor of the People’s Bank of China wrote a telling op-ed about the central bank’s plans for creating a state-backed digital currency. Fan Yifei, vice governor of the People’s Bank of China (PBoC), revealed new information about his country’s digital currency initiative Thursday. Breaking with what had […]

cryptocurrency January 26, 2018

The Japanese cryptocurrency exchange Coincheck has been robbed of around 500 million NEM tokens in one of the largest heists the space has ever seen. Advertisements In a massive January 26 theft, somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 million NEM tokens were stolen from the Japanese cryptocurrency exchange Coincheck. A statement on the company’s website […]

cryptocurrency January 26, 2018

January 26, 2018 11:46 PM Advertisements Many of the services that offer entry into the cryptocurrency world remain centralized themselves. As recently profiled by the Wall Street Journal, CoinMarketCap has become one of the de facto resources for cryptocurrency stakeholders. With its aggregation and compilation of exchange data, few other platforms offer as comprehensive or […]

cryptocurrency January 25, 2018

Advertisements Ethereum News Update In 2017, investors treated Ethereum and Bitcoin as if they were identical. They painted both with the same brush, meaning that when Bitcoin did well, so did Ethereum. But this relationship is starting to fray… In an excellent post for Bloomberg View, Leonid Bershidsky shows that “It’s not just mindless speculation […]
