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cryptocurrency January 16, 2018

As soon as next season, Mavericks fans might be able to buy their tickets with cryptocurrencies. Advertisements Mark Cuban, serial entrepreneur and owner of the Dallas Mavericks, responded yesterday to a fan’s query on social media as to whether or not they could use cryptocurrencies to buy tickets to Mavericks games: As an investor with […]

cryptocurrency January 16, 2018

January 16, 2018 10:24 PM Advertisements On Tuesday, the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) announced that it signed a Memorandum of Understanding with a handful of central securities depositories to explore distributed ledger technology applications. On January 16, 2018, SWIFT, the Belgium-based “global provider of secure financial messaging services,” announced the signing of […]

cryptocurrency January 15, 2018

As the South Korean government backs away from a full-scale ban, investors should be thinking more and more about political risk. How do you protect your crypto investments against sudden shifts in the regulatory landscape? Advertisements One option is to avoid cryptos altogether. I know the potential returns are seductive, but if you can’t take […]

cryptocurrency January 15, 2018

South Korea’s government announced that it may still go on to ban the trading of cryptocurrencies on exchanges, following apparently conflicting reports on the matter days earlier. Advertisements A statement issued on January 15 by South Korea’s Office for Government Policy Coordination (a branch of the Prime Minister’s Secretariat) warned that a national ban of […]

cryptocurrency January 13, 2018

NASA has awarded a grant to the University of Akron for research into data analysis and other topics related to space exploration. The allocation will help a team led by associate professor Jin Wei to pioneer a resilient networking system based in part on the Ethereum blockchain. Advertisements Space exploration has taken monumental leaps, but […]

cryptocurrency January 13, 2018

Although some believe that developing common standards for blockchain technology could hamper its growth and stifle its spirit, it is the creation of such standards that will spur greater ingenuity, innovation, and eventually mass adoption. Advertisements What is the maximum amount of time a conversation about blockchain technology can last before the mention of cryptocurrency, […]

cryptocurrency January 13, 2018

January 13, 2018 12:14 AM Advertisements Baidu, the Chinese search engine that often draws comparisons to Google, has launched a Blockchain-as-a-service platform. On January 12, it was announced that one of China’s leading websites in terms of traffic, the search engine Baidu, launched a Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform called Baidu Trust. According to Baidu Financial, the […]

cryptocurrency January 13, 2018

Expert Blog is Cointelegraph’s new series of articles by crypto industry leaders. It covers everything from Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies to ICO regulation and investment analysis. If you want to become our guest author and get published on Cointelegraph, please send us an email at Advertisements After reading about how a partner in one of the […]

cryptocurrency January 12, 2018 Advertisements After drowning in red for a week, cryptocurrency prices picked up steam on Friday morning. Ethereum had weathered the storm better than most, yet it also climbed on the renewed sense of optimism. ETH prices jumped 4.33% against the U.S. dollar, putting the Ethereum to USD exchange rate at $1,255.57. Since there is relative […]
