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cryptocurrency October 12, 2019

[embedded content] Advertisements Tongtong Gong, COO of crypto analytics firm Amberdata, shared what it feels like to be a woman in tech and why she chose to become a programmer. “I moved to the U.S. and when I moved I didn’t really speak English that well so when I was in college you needed to pick […]

cryptocurrency October 11, 2019

Nobody in the cryptocurrency space is thinking big enough. Advertisements That was the message from bitcoin developer and former Kurdish YPG militia member Amir Taaki at Devcon 5, the annual ethereum developer conference hosted this year in Osaka, Japan. “I hear people talking about decentralized derivatives and mortgages,” Taaki said to an enraptured audience of hundreds on […]

cryptocurrency October 11, 2019

The creator of an “open” alternative to Facebook’s Libra stablecoin initially misrepresented which organizations are involved in the project, CoinDesk has learned. Advertisements Four individuals and organizations have disavowed the OpenLibra project, which was unveiled Oct. 9 at Devcon. Others say the extent of their involvement was overblown. “I showed up to one community call for […]

cryptocurrency October 11, 2019

A startup building domains on blockchains has just launched a .crypto name registry on ethereum. Advertisements Unstoppable Domains – a firm backed in May to the tune of $4 million by Draper Associates and Boost VC  – said Friday that the new .crypto extension can be connected to users’ public cryptocurrency address, allowing third-parties to more easily send […]

cryptocurrency October 11, 2019

Australia’s only bullion mint is backing a new digital token aimed to allow investors to trade the precious metal in real time. Advertisements The Perth Mint Gold Token (PMGT) was launched by InfiniGold on Friday, and is backed 1:1 by GoldPass certificates issued by The Perth Mint. The digital certificates are 100% gold backed and guaranteed by the Government […]

cryptocurrency October 11, 2019

Six months after Societe Generale issued its first bond on a public blockchain, it has yet to offer the instrument to clients or to make use of the full capabilities of the smart contract mediating the sale.  Advertisements But the French financial institution insists that it hasn’t forgotten about the €100 million (roughly $110 million) […]

cryptocurrency October 10, 2019

If there’s anywhere in the world where it feels right to believe in magic, it’s Devcon 5 in Osaka, Japan. Advertisements The ethereum community faces a daunting task: scale its blockchain ecosystem to securely support the growing demand for mainstream use cases. Thousands of technologists and passionate fans gathered at Devcon this week to grapple […]

cryptocurrency October 10, 2019

CFTC Chairman Heath Tarbert has said ether, the world’s second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, is a commodity. Advertisements Speaking at the Yahoo! Finance All Markets Summit Thursday, Tarbert said he believes ether is not a security. “We’ve been very clear on bitcoin: bitcoin is a commodity. We haven’t said anything about ether – until now,” […]

cryptocurrency October 10, 2019

Venture studio Consensys is giving $175,000 to seven different open source software projects on the ethereum network. Advertisements Announced on Oct. 10, these projects include a forward-looking ethereum software client called Lighthouse, an oracle network for off-chain data called Tellor, as well as, a mobile decentralized app builder called Alice, among others. About the new […]

cryptocurrency October 9, 2019

[embedded content] Advertisements On location in Tel Aviv at the Ethereal Summit, hosted September 15, CoinDesk’s Daniel Kuhn spoke with some of the major players in the ethereum space about where the second largest blockchain is heading. Billed as “the world’s computer,” ethereum has not lived up to its initial marketing campaign. ConsenSys and a […]