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cryptocurrency October 3, 2019

IKEA Iceland has taken part in a commercial transaction on ethereum, using smart contracts and licensed e-money to facilitate the settlement of an order from local retailer Nordic Store. Advertisements The transaction was carried out on a platform provided by supply chain management firm Tradeshift and used “programmable digital cash” from ConsenSys-backed Monerium, according to an […]

cryptocurrency September 30, 2019

Ethereum test network Ropsten has forked into two separate chains following the activation of system-wide upgrade Istanbul. Advertisements “It appears there are two different chains mining the Ropsten test network. There are miners mining on the old [Ropsten] chain and miners mining the new one,” explained Ethereum Foundation community manager Hudson Jameson, adding in a […]

cryptocurrency September 30, 2019

A system-wide upgrade is coming to ethereum’s Ropsten test network on Wednesday. And while “Istanbul” should ultimately introduce network efficiencies, the testnet launch won’t be smooth sailing for everyone. Advertisements For governance platform Aragon, in particular, the code changes are expected to break roughly 680 smart contracts, according to Aragon One CTO Jorge Izquierdo. These […]

cryptocurrency September 29, 2019

“Ethereum is only now starting to shrug off its ‘PTSDAO,’” tweeted Ameen Soleimani, the SpankChain CEO and creator of a now-$1.2 million decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) called the MolochDAO. Advertisements After an infamous hack drained “The DAO” of roughly $60 million in 2016, developers have been hesitant to kickstart new projects in its likeness. That […]

cryptocurrency September 26, 2019

Ethereum transaction fees are back on the rise and gaining parity with bitcoin transaction fees. Advertisements As seen in data charts provided by blockchain analytics firm CoinMetrics, ethereum surpassed bitcoin in daily transaction fees on Sept. 21. While ethereum has since been maintaining a close parity with bitcoin’s daily transaction fees, bitcoin currently beats out […]

cryptocurrency September 26, 2019

Chainlink CEO Sergey Nazarov says there’s one big thing holding back corporate adoption of blockchain technology: reliable oracle services that connect blockchain systems to real-world events, and vice versa. Advertisements In his mind, making blockchain-based contracts pegged to real-world events – in a reliable and secure manner – is the next “leap forward” that will […]

cryptocurrency September 24, 2019

The Blockstack file-sharing dapp Envelop, which works a little like WeTransfer but with encrypted storage via the blockchain platform, just launched a browser extension for Chrome, Firefox and Opera. Advertisements Now desktop Blockstack users can simply upload files to the extension and drop them in emails or direct messages even if the file is normally […]

cryptocurrency September 23, 2019

The number of initiatives dedicated to scaling the ethereum blockchain is manifold. Ethereum 2.0, Plasma, Raiden, zk-SNARKs – the list goes on. Advertisements On Monday, blockchain research and development startup Matter Labs announced a $2 million seed round led by Placeholder VC to develop a new scaling initiative atop the ethereum blockchain. Speaking to the […]