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cryptocurrency September 6, 2018

News world September 6, 2018 10:30 PM Advertisements The new system is intended to reduce the need for in-person monitoring. The justice department of the Chinese city Zhongshan has developed a blockchain platform to track the movement and activities of so-called “community prisoners,” according to a September 6 article in local newspaper Zhongshan Daily. Advertisements […]

cryptocurrency September 6, 2018

News business and finance September 6, 2018 11:06 PM Advertisements Turkey’s Borsa Istanbul Stock Exchange is using blockchain technology to synchronize information across financial institutions. The Turkish Borsa Istanbul Stock Exchange (BIST) announced the development of a blockchain-powered platform designed to improve the flow of information between different financial institutions, according to a September 6 […]

cryptocurrency September 5, 2018

Q&A with ClinTex’s Team Neill Barron, Director of Clinical Data Analytics & Brendan O’ Mainnin, Director of Operations ICO Alert: How does the CLX token function within the platform and why is it needed? What are the major dApps that users should look forward too? Advertisements ClinTex: The CLX token will primarily be used for […]

cryptocurrency September 5, 2018

September 5, 2018 6:49 PM Advertisements Individuals with a .xyz domain can claim the same name from the Ethereum Name Service. Nick Johnson, lead developer for the Ethereum Name Service (ENS), recently announced that the .xyz domain offered by naming service provider XYZ is now compatible with ENS on the Ethereum mainnet. This means individuals […]

cryptocurrency September 5, 2018

September 5, 2018 6:35 PM Advertisements The financial giant has apparently cooled on last year’s plans to launch a trading operation for cryptocurrencies. Goldman Sachs first announced plans to start a crypto trading desk late last year, but, at least for now, those plans are on hold. Business Insider reports, “Executives have concluded that many […]

cryptocurrency September 5, 2018

September 5, 2018 8:37 PM Advertisements says it wants to disrupt the credit industry and help stop predatory lending. Hong Kong-based crypto startup plans to issue 100,000 cryptocurrency debit cards over the next two months, according to a September 5 article in the South China Morning Post. Advertisements Though hardly new in the […]