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cryptocurrency August 31, 2018

Japan’s police are dedicating 35 million yen toward new software. Advertisements According to NHK, Japan’s national public broadcasting organization, the country’s National Police Agency (NPA) will add about 35 million yen (or around $315,000) to its 2019 fiscal budget to fund the development of blockchain transaction-tracking software. The new project comes in response to various […]

cryptocurrency August 31, 2018

Line messaging service wants to expand and develop the blockchain and cryptocurrency ecosystem. Advertisements The popular Japanese messaging service LINE announced the launch of its own cryptocurrency and blockchain platform on August 31. According to the announcement, the company’s blockchain is called LINK Chain and is intended to be a “service-oriented blockchain network” which allows […]

cryptocurrency August 30, 2018

Ethereum dominated the crypto market in 2017 as the smart contract platform of choice for ICOs and blockchain projects. In 2017, over 95% of projects decided to run their token sale and/or build their decentralized application using Ethereum’s ERC20 standard (or some form of it). Advertisements While Ethereum clearly has first mover advantage, it seems […]

cryptocurrency August 30, 2018

The Bitcoin mining company expands to the Ethereum network. Advertisements is releasing an Ether (ETH) and Ethereum Classic (ETC) mining client on its portal, according to an August 30 announcement. The expansion is part of the platform’s effort to diversify its mining portfolio “to include more GPU/CPU mining options for its users.” To accompany […]

cryptocurrency August 30, 2018

Bitcoin Cash and Ethereum are both in the process of considering upcoming hard forks, but the decision-making and communication processes are playing out very differently: Decisions on the Ethereum blockchain seem largely decided by communities of developers, whereas the Bitcoin Cash community lets miners take the reins. The different priorities of each blockchain lay at […]

cryptocurrency August 30, 2018

A recent publication from the Reserve Bank of India reveals its consideration of a central bank-issued digital currency. Advertisements According to its 2017–2018 annual report, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), has formed an interdepartmental group “to study and provide guidance on the desirability and feasibility to introduce a central bank digital currency [CBDC].” This […]