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cryptocurrency August 29, 2018

Let’s not get too excited. It’s not yet clear if it can work as promised. Advertisements Jack Dorsey isn’t giving up on his bid to make bitcoin a universal currency, if a recent patent is any indication. His mobile credit card processing company, Square Inc., secured a patent on August 21 for a cryptocurrency payment […]

cryptocurrency August 29, 2018

The Australian National Blockchain aims to allow the nation’s companies to more easily share legal contracts. Advertisements When looking for a public blockchain that could run EDCCs, Australia just decided to build its own. The Australian National Blockchain, announced today, will apparently enable “companies nationwide to join the network to use digitized contracts, exchange data […]

cryptocurrency August 29, 2018

A report from the Blockchain Transparency Institute determines that billions of dollars’ worth of cryptocurrency trading volume is fake. But who is the Blockchain Transparency Institute? Advertisements A recently released report on cryptocurrency exchanges asserting widespread falsification has gotten a lot of attention this week. The report claims that billions of dollars’ worth of volume […]

cryptocurrency August 29, 2018

ETHNews looks at Swarm Fund and the project’s recent progress. Advertisements Swarm intelligence refers to the phenomenon of self-organizing systems. Although this concept is largely employed in artificial intelligence and interfacing research, swarm behavior has long been observed in biological communities, for example, bird flocking, fish schooling, and even bacterial growth. In considering the swarm […]

cryptocurrency August 29, 2018

The show cause orders are part of a larger effort by North American securities regulators to crack down on fraudulent ICOs. Advertisements Gerald Rome, Colorado’s securities commissioner signed orders requiring three cryptocurrency companies to show cause for allegedly promoting unregistered initial coin offerings (ICOs), according to an announcement published by Colorado’s Department of Regulatory Agencies. […]

cryptocurrency August 28, 2018

An interview on Corporate to Crypto with Alex Scagz, CEO of Coinvention Speaking to Alex Scagz is like listening to music. His relaxing demeanor and passionate approach is astounding when you consider how much pressure is on his shoulders. He is so busy, I couldn’t (didn’t want to) edit out the phone calls and vibrations […]

cryptocurrency August 28, 2018

The latest core devs’ meeting centered around various Ethereum Improvement Proposals to reduce or maintain block rewards distributed to miners. ETHNews attempts to clear up the mud surrounding the discussion. Advertisements On Friday, August 24, Ethereum’s core devs and other stakeholders within the community gathered for meeting 45. Aside from updates related to testing, clients, […]

cryptocurrency August 28, 2018

23andMe’s developer partners recently received an email notifying them that they would no longer have access to customers’ raw genomic data. Timicoin, a blockchain-based healthcare data platform, spoke out about the change. Advertisements Last Thursday, personal genomics and biotechnology company 23andMe notified outside app developers via email that it would disable their access to its […]

cryptocurrency August 28, 2018

The new unit is intended to boost the bank’s intellectual capital concerning emerging technologies. Advertisements The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has formed a new unit to research use cases for blockchain, cryptocurrency, and artificial intelligence (AI) technology, according to reporting from Indian newspaper The Economic Times. The unit will be responsible for researching how […]