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cryptocurrency August 10, 2018

The Commonwealth Bank of Australia has announced it is creating what it claims is the first bond entirely transferred and managed on the blockchain. Advertisements The Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) has announced that it has partnered with the World Bank to issue a bond on a blockchain platform. According to the announcement, the bond, […]

cryptocurrency August 10, 2018

Giveth and Aragon are joining to create a decentralized organization structure by fusing transparent, independent governance and altruistic purpose. Advertisements On August 9, Aragon One and Giveth, two blockchain enterprises aiming to revolutionize organizational structure through blockchain technology, announced a joint project to develop the Aragon stack. Aragon is a project aiming to decentralize and […]

cryptocurrency August 10, 2018

The Fellowship of Ethereum Magicians plans to hold its Council of Prague prior to the global Ethereum developer conference. Advertisements According to an August 10 announcement from the Fellowship of Ethereum Magicians, a self-organized gaggle of Ethereum developers, the group will meet up for its Council of Prague in the days leading up to the […]

cryptocurrency August 10, 2018

After Medium began censoring certain cryptocurrency posts, decentralization advocate Aragon decided to move to a new platform. Will others follow? Advertisements You probably didn’t notice. Sometime between March and June, Medium, a publishing platform ubiquitous in the blockchain sphere, updated a page called “Cryptocurrencies on Medium.” (ETHNews reached out to Medium for this article but […]

cryptocurrency August 9, 2018

Q&A With Apollo18’s Founder, Kirk Durbin Advertisements ICO Alert: For those who are not familiar with Apollo18, can you explain what it is, and what the team aims to accomplish? Apollo18 is a cryptocurrency mining operation based in Central Pennsylvania. Token holders are rewarded with Ethereum based on the profits generated by the mining farm. Apollo18’s […]

cryptocurrency August 9, 2018

ShapeShift buys crypto-conversion startup Bitfract, Thailand says 20 companies have applied for Exchange Licenses, 94 companies join IBM and Maersk Blockchain. Advertisements ShapeShift Buys Crypto Conversion Startup Bitfract The cryptocurrency conversion platform ShapeShift has purchased Texas-based startup Bitfract. The startup has created a tool that allows users the ability to purchase multiple cryptocurrencies through a single […]

cryptocurrency August 9, 2018

Microsoft has just rolled out an additional consensus mechanism for clients building ethereum-based apps on Azure that does away with mining. Advertisements Called “proof-of-authority,” the mechanism notably replaces the proof-of-work mining process that is common in public blockchains. However, it is only applicable in a permissioned network scenario – that is, on private or consortium blockchains […]

cryptocurrency August 9, 2018

The incentive-based software development community has partnered with the Ethereum address-naming provider. Advertisements According to an August 9 announcement, the team behind Gitcoin, which is a community that incentivizes collaboration in open-source software development, is pushing for Ethereum Name Service (ENS) integration into Dapps. To accomplish this, Gitcoin is funding bounties to encourage Dapp developers […]

cryptocurrency August 9, 2018

Participation by big names in a big industry could impact international trade. Advertisements Tech giant IBM and Danish Shipping and logistics company Maersk have announced the creation of a global, blockchain-powered shipping platform, TradeLense, in an official August 9 press release. As of today, 94 organizations have either been early adopters of the program or […]

cryptocurrency August 9, 2018

The US Patent and Trademark Office recently granted the financial software company a patent to create a bitcoin payment processing system. Advertisements On Tuesday, the US Patent and Trademark Office published a patent submitted by Intuit Inc. that enables the company to develop a novel procedure for processing bitcoin transactions. The process described in the […]