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cryptocurrency July 25, 2018

Borderless, permissionless and free from coercion. Advertisements That’s the dream underlying web 3.0, in which unstoppable, decentralized applications (dapps) combine with web 2.0 technology, eventually corroding the power structures that traditional infrastructures encode. But that vision hasn’t come as fast as some expected or hoped, and moreover, some ethereum applications seem to even be working against […]

cryptocurrency July 25, 2018

The ERC777 standard would allow token holders more control and easier transactions. Advertisements Move over, ERC20, and make way for ERC777. The new token standard created by Jordi Baylina, Jacques Dafflon, and Thomas Shababi will be finalized soon. The EIP for ERC777 was posted November 20, 2017, and has been open for community feedback and […]

cryptocurrency July 25, 2018

A definitive word may come from the G20 summit in October. Advertisements In addition to the many financial, economic, and technical issues discussed at the G20 summit last weekend in Argentina, assembled finance ministers and central bank governors from the world’s top economies also touched upon cryptocurrency standards and regulations. Members of the G20 summit […]

cryptocurrency July 25, 2018

The blockchain Dapp browser extension has disappeared from the Android and Chrome marketplace. Advertisements UPDATED | 1:42 p.m.: After announcing that its extension had been removed from the Chrome Web Store earlier on Wednesday, MetaMask took to Twitter several hours later to say that it’s back: ORIGINAL | 11:38 a.m.:  Advertisements MetaMask, which enables users […]

cryptocurrency July 24, 2018

The hottest new apps on ethereum resemble an old favorite: the Ponzi scheme. At least that’s the early consensus on FOMO 3D and PoWH3D, two of the platform’s top three apps entering Tuesday. Advertisements According to data website DappRadar, both games have amassed 20,000 ether ($9 million) in trading volume over the last 24 hours, a […]

cryptocurrency July 24, 2018

The US Securities and Exchange Commission extended the deadline to approve or disapprove a proposed rule change associated with NYSE Arca’s potential listing of Direxion’s bitcoin-tied exchange-traded funds. Advertisements On Tuesday, the Federal Register published a notice from the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) dated July 18, 2018. The agency has postponed by 60 […]

cryptocurrency July 24, 2018

One of the most popular cryptocurrency wallet service providers, MyEtherWallet, will launch a beta version of MEW Connect, its upcoming iOS application. Advertisements An announcement from MyEtherWallet (MEW) made on Monday via Twitter asked followers to “stay tuned” for the beta release of the new MEW Connect iOS app, which is expected to launch in […]

cryptocurrency July 23, 2018

One of the most prolific features of cryptocurrencies and the budding blockchain-powered “decentralized economy” is that is providing individuals with more privacy and digital anonymity than ever before. Advertisements The world’s first digital currency bitcoin is enabling anyone in the world with an Internet connection to make digital payments without the need for an intermediary, […]

cryptocurrency July 23, 2018

Here are what I find to be the most significant Tritium features described in the whitepaper. Advertisements We’ll go one layer at a time. 1) Network Layer Nexus points out that scalability doesn’t just depend on ledger size (read: the size of messages, and by extension block size) but on how messages are routed among nodes. […]