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cryptocurrency February 12, 2018

February 12, 2018 8:14 PM Advertisements On Monday, the regulatory trio that makes up the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) issued a warning about the financial dangers inherent in virtual currency ownership. Together, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), European Banking Authority (EBA), and European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) comprise the European Supervisory […]

cryptocurrency February 11, 2018

My guest today is Mark Lurie, the CEO of Codex Protocol. Advertisements During the podcast, we’ll talk about how Codex plans to transform the multi-trillion dollar Art & Collectibles Market, their plan to become the standard for title registry, how their existing partnerships have integrated them into more than 5000 auction houses, and more. Enjoy! […]

cryptocurrency February 11, 2018

A look at the headlines of late may leave you with a familiar conclusion – with all the ups and downs in the market, it’s just too early to take crypto seriously. Advertisements And it’s true, despite the best efforts of even the industry’s most notable developers, the world’s largest cryptocurrencies remain not just volatile, […]

cryptocurrency February 11, 2018

ICO Alert does not endorse or recommend participating in any initial coin offerings. ICO Alert receives a promotional fee for the production of this ICO Alert Report. Please click here for additional important information. Advertisements ICO Alert Quick Facts PodOne is a decentralized contact center network connecting businesses together Qubicle tokens (QBE) are used for every […]

cryptocurrency February 10, 2018

Strobes pulsed through fog as a tightly packed audience sought to get a shot of the DJ. Advertisements Revered for his contributions to electronic dance music, Gareth Emery was in the box at London’s Ministry of Sound last weekend, there to show off the synths that have helped him win the prestigious “A State Of Trance Tune […]

cryptocurrency February 9, 2018

Why is the U.S. Government Cool with Bitcoin Now? Last year decentralized currency was labeled a black market for money laundering. In Banking on Bitcoin, the opening scene shows Charlie Shrem, a founding member of the Bitcoin Foundation, wearing an ankle bracelet awaiting a two-year prison sentence. He was charged with aiding and abetting the operation […]

cryptocurrency February 9, 2018

Ethereum’s more senior developers are calling for a public debate over what steps, if any, should be taken at the software level to return funds lost in high-profile hacks and incidents. Advertisements In a bi-weekly meeting Friday, the developers took sides over a controversial ethereum improvement proposal, EIP 867, which advocates for a method of […]

cryptocurrency February 9, 2018

Popular Ethereum wallet interface MyEtherWallet (MEW) has released a unexpected alternative product,, one of MEW’s original developers announced in a blog post Feb. 9. Advertisements MEW has become one of the most popular Ethereum and ERC20 token storage management tools over the past year, and will continue to exist along with a new project, […]