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cryptocurrency November 28, 2017

Nolan Bauerle is a former researcher and writer for the Canadian Senate Banking Committee, for which he drafted a 2015 report on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. He currently heads CoinDesk research division. Advertisements CoinDesk is today announcing the release of its latest deep-dive report on the state of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. The most recent […]

cryptocurrency November 28, 2017

ICO Alert does not endorse or recommend participating in any initial coin offerings. ICO Alert receives a promotional fee for the production of this ICO Alert Report. Please click here for additional important information. Advertisements ICO Alert Quick Facts Decentralized advertising ecosystem connecting advertisers and publishers with unique Proof-of-Concept technology. MADTokens will be able to be […]

cryptocurrency November 28, 2017

November 28, 2017 10:25 PM Advertisements Earlier today, Jerome Powell testified before the Senate Banking Committee, an early step in the process to his confirmation as chair of the Federal Reserve. Cryptocurrency is “not big enough” to matter just yet, said Powell, but he signaled interest in blockchain technology, possibly applied to wholesale payments systems. […]

cryptocurrency November 28, 2017

November 28, 2017 11:16 PM Advertisements A letter from a Dutch law firm, which suggests that at least some investors in Confido’s token offering may receive refunds, has appeared on the troubled company’s website. A law firm representing an unnamed member of the Confido team has suggested that at least some of the funds raised […]

cryptocurrency November 27, 2017

Ethereum creator Vitalik Buterin has laid out the future plans for the technology at a blockchain conference in Taiwan. He opened with a statement in reference to the numerous Ethereum replacements that have been launched in recent months. “The Ethereum killer is Ethereum, the Ethereum of China is Ethereum, the Ethereum of Taiwan is Ethereum… […]