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cryptocurrency December 19, 2017

Key Highlights ETH price made a nice upside move and broke the $800 resistance against the US Dollar. There was a break above yesterday’s pointed contracting triangle with resistance at $725 on the hourly chart of ETH/USD (data feed via SimpleFX). The pair is heading higher and it might continue to move higher towards the […]

cryptocurrency December 19, 2017

     Cryptocurrency mining is reshaping business partnership across the globe as Hut 8 Mining Corp. announced its partnership move with the world’s leading full-service blockchain technology company, Bitfury Group. Advertisements     Advertisements Bitfury Group, with a share of 11% in the bitcoin mining industry, has the largest bitcoin mining operation in the blockchain ecosystem outside […]

cryptocurrency December 18, 2017

An interview with the founding members of the Blockchain Interoperability Alliance: WANCHAIN, ICON, and AION. On the show, we’ll talk about the Blockchain Interoperability Alliance, why these 3 projects feel so strongly about interoperability, how the blockchain landscape might look in the future, and more. Advertisements You may be asking: What is the Blockchain Interoperability Alliance? […]

cryptocurrency December 18, 2017

ETH/USD Advertisements Ethereum continues to go sideways during the trading session on Monday, but has a slight upward tilt. Because of this, I believe that the market is going to continue to find buyers underneath, perhaps sending this market to the upside. I think that given enough time, the market should then go towards the […]

cryptocurrency December 18, 2017

Hyperledger, one of the competitors to the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance (EEA), recently lost two of its biggest clients: The CME Group and Deutsche Boerse. Advertisements What’s the big deal? Well, both were major exchanges. Both contributed $250,000 apiece to Hyperledger. And both downgraded their status from Premium to General members. In other words, this is […]

cryptocurrency December 18, 2017

I sent $25 of Bitcoin from one address (in Coinbase) to another (Kraken). – $25 sent– $16 fee– $41 total 40% of the total transaction in fees. unbelievable — Kristian Freeman (@imkmf) December 8, 2017 Ready to send your first bitcoin? That will be $26 please… Advertisements Sure, that’s on the high end of what you might […]

cryptocurrency December 18, 2017

Key Highlights ETH price is struggling to gain traction and is consolidating below $730 against the US Dollar. There is a broad contracting triangle forming with support at $650 on the hourly chart of ETH/USD (data feed via SimpleFX). The pair might continue to trade in a range above $650 and with resistance at $730. […]

cryptocurrency December 18, 2017

December 18, 2017 8:05 PM Advertisements The spectacular ascent of bitcoin’s price during 2017 has attracted global scrutiny. On Sunday, the French finance minister expressed the importance of an international dialogue on bitcoin’s risks and potential regulation. While the European Central Bank’s president and vice president have downplayed the risk that cryptocurrency poses to monetary […]

cryptocurrency December 18, 2017

December 18, 2017 11:46 PM Advertisements Kin’s decision to move away from the Ethereum blockchain has riled up some investors. A recent announcement by Kik regarding its Kin Foundation and Kin ERC20 tokens has at least one investor asking for a refund. Advertisements On December 13, 2017, in a live social media Q&A, Ted Livingston, […]