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cryptocurrency June 2, 2018

A recap of the latest news and announcements by Block.One and EOS.IO Disclaimer: ICO Alert does not endorse or recommend participating in any initial coin offerings, including EOS. ICO Alert does not receive any compensation for the Everything EOS Podcast from Block.One or EOS, however, Robert Finch and Zack Gall do both personally own EOS tokens. […]

cryptocurrency June 1, 2018

On May 23, the largest U.S. digital currency exchange Coinbase announced that it has acquired the decentralized exchange Paradex as part of Coinbase’s commitment to investing in decentralized infrastructure and its focus on international traders. Advertisements Paradex is a decentralized exchange that enables traders to transact directly with each other through the use of smart […]

cryptocurrency May 31, 2018

Carboneum is creating a protocol for social trading and a democratized social trading platform. Today, social trading is becoming increasingly popular and prevalent in the world of cryptocurrency, where “follower” traders follow and copy trades of more experienced “leader” traders. However, it is filled with problems, such as lack of transparency and unfair fee mechanism. […]

cryptocurrency May 29, 2018

Background on BTC Mining Fundamentally, Bitcoin mining is an activity which adds Bitcoin transactions to the blockchain ledger. The process of mining is referred to as proof of work. Bitcoin mining creates proof of work by solving mathematical problems to create hashes. Advertisements For a miner to verify a transaction, they must first calculate a 64-digit […]

cryptocurrency May 28, 2018

Bithumb bans citizens of high-risk countries from its platform, top 5 cryptocurrency price changes, and more! Advertisements Bithumb has announced it is prohibiting citizens of North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Sri Lanka, and seven other countries that are considered “high-risk jurisdictions” from using its platform. Image from ezphoto. Bithumb Bans Citizens of “High-Risk” Countries From Using Its Platform Bithumb, […]

cryptocurrency May 27, 2018

Covesting opens public beta testing, FCA investigating 24 cryptocurrency firms, top 5 cryptocurrency price changes, and more! Advertisements Covesting, a decentralized platform designed “to bring copy-‎trading and professional asset ‎management to the cryptocurrency world,” has begun public beta testing. Image from Olivier Le Moal. Covesting Opens Public Beta Testing Of Its Platform Covesting, a decentralized platform designed “to […]

cryptocurrency May 25, 2018

What is Namahe? Namahe wants to revolutionize supply chain management with the first solution based on blockchain and A.I. Brands. Adopting our platform will allow transparency and security of their supply chain, therefore saving millions on big audits and ensuring ethical sourcing. Joining our token sale therefore means to be part of an ethical revolution and […]

cryptocurrency May 23, 2018

Smart assets for businesses with easy-to-use templates, public and private blockchain support, and a growing ecosystem. Public and Private Blockchain NEMjas battle for dominance. (Video version: We’ve been investigating decentralized application platforms that might challenge Ethereum’s future market share. Advertisements So far, our Ethereum Challengers series has covered RSK (Rootstock), EOS, Cardano, and NEO. […]

cryptocurrency May 23, 2018

Poland reels in crypto taxation, IOTA and UN exploring collaboration, top gainers, big losers and everything else going on with crypto! Advertisements Crypto Tax Collections Suspended by Polish Ministry of Finance Poland’s Ministry of Finance will put a temporary hold on tax collection for cryptocurrencies. According to Cointelegraph, The Ministry will conduct an “in-depth analysis” of cryptocurrencies […]

cryptocurrency May 21, 2018

ICO Alert Quick Facts Neoplay is a decentralized, provably-fair, cross-network dicing platform that enables users to place bets on the result of a random 100-sided dice roll. 5,000 NPLAY + 5,000 EPLAY = 1 ETH = 10 NEO May 5, 2018 — June 2, 2018 85,000,000 total available / 100,000,000 total supply A gambling platform built for both […]