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cryptocurrency August 9, 2018

Microsoft has just rolled out an additional consensus mechanism for clients building ethereum-based apps on Azure that does away with mining. Advertisements Called “proof-of-authority,” the mechanism notably replaces the proof-of-work mining process that is common in public blockchains. However, it is only applicable in a permissioned network scenario – that is, on private or consortium blockchains […]

cryptocurrency May 14, 2018

Blockchain Week begins in New York City, LG launches blockchain platform, top 5 cryptocurrency price changes, and more! Advertisements Blockchain Week is scheduled to begin today in New York City. Image from TTstudio. Blockchain Week Begins Today in New York City, Drawing Record-High Attendance Blockchain Week is scheduled to begin today in New York City. According […]

cryptocurrency April 22, 2018

New code written to change the way the ethereum network reaches consensus is now ready for review, developers said Friday. Advertisements Ethereum improvement proposal (EIP) 1011, known as Hybrid Casper FFG (short for “Friendly Finality Gadget”), would implement the first step in a long-planned shift away from the energy-intensive mining process and toward towards a […]