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Decentralized Exchanges

cryptocurrency February 20, 2019

A project funded by one of 2017’s largest initial coin offerings (ICOs) is facing fierce competition from a brand-new competitor funded by a modest grant. Advertisements Bancor, which raised $150 million during the ICO craze, was founded to make it easy to trade even illiquid ethereum tokens. That’s the same mission as Uniswap, which launched in […]

cryptocurrency August 14, 2018

AirSwap is rolling out some pro tools to attract institutional investors to its decentralized exchange (DEX) for ethereum tokens. Advertisements Revealed exclusively to CoinDesk, the company is this week launching an interface for so-called over-the-counter (OTC) block trading. While to date AirSwap users have been signaling their intent to buy or sell a certain amount […]

cryptocurrency June 28, 2018

It’s no secret that building large-scale, fully decentralized applications is a challenge, but it turns out the hurdles have to do with more than just scaling. Advertisements Decentralized application or “dapp” developers frequently hit roadblocks, since ethereum – the go-to platform so far in dapps’ short history – can process only around 25 transactions per second, […]

cryptocurrency January 18, 2018

Decentralized exchange startup Radar Relay has announced that it has added support for the Ledger hardware wallet. Advertisements In a post published Wednesday, the Øx order book provider announced the integration with Ledger, allowing people who use the hardware to transfer ether (the cryptocurrency of the ethereum network) or supported ERC-20-based tokens directly to another Ledger […]