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cryptocurrency October 15, 2019

A senior executive at Big Four auditor Ernst & Young (EY) thinks blockchain will revolutionize commerce – if the community can solve its privacy issues. Advertisements [embedded content] “Blockchain is going to be the tool that ties together not just individual companies, but whole business ecosystems and networks,” says EY global innovation lead Paul Brody. […]

cryptocurrency October 13, 2019

When cryptocurrency fans gathered in Osaka, Japan, this week for the Devcon developer conference, the halls were filled with buzz about smaller projects seeking access to ethereum’s decentralized finance smorgasbord, especially loans and financial products, via interoperability. Advertisements “Connecting to other chains doesn’t seem to be an ethereum developer’s priority,” Summa co-founder James Prestwich told […]

cryptocurrency October 12, 2019

[embedded content] Advertisements Tongtong Gong, COO of crypto analytics firm Amberdata, shared what it feels like to be a woman in tech and why she chose to become a programmer. “I moved to the U.S. and when I moved I didn’t really speak English that well so when I was in college you needed to pick […]

cryptocurrency October 11, 2019

The creator of an “open” alternative to Facebook’s Libra stablecoin initially misrepresented which organizations are involved in the project, CoinDesk has learned. Advertisements Four individuals and organizations have disavowed the OpenLibra project, which was unveiled Oct. 9 at Devcon. Others say the extent of their involvement was overblown. “I showed up to one community call for […]

cryptocurrency October 10, 2019

If there’s anywhere in the world where it feels right to believe in magic, it’s Devcon 5 in Osaka, Japan. Advertisements The ethereum community faces a daunting task: scale its blockchain ecosystem to securely support the growing demand for mainstream use cases. Thousands of technologists and passionate fans gathered at Devcon this week to grapple […]