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cryptocurrency December 19, 2018

Vitalik Buterin, the creator of ethereum, has just donated $300,000 in cryptocurrency to three blockchain startups – apparently making the decision in response to a Twitter thread. Advertisements The three projects receiving the 1,000 ETH grants are Prysmatic Labs, ChainSafe Systems and Sigma Prime. All are projects working to build the blockchain network’s next iteration, ethereum […]

cryptocurrency January 14, 2018

An interview with the team behind AidCoin and CharityStars My guests today are Francesco Fusetti, the Co-Founder & CEO of AidCoin, and Giorgio Venier, the Project Lead at AidCoin. AidChain is a new platform solving the biggest problems in the non-profit and charity sectors. During the podcast, we’ll talk about the AidCoin cryptocurrency, how the […]