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Filecoin (FIL)

cryptocurrency April 10, 2021

Advertisements In summary: VideoCoin (VID) will be integrating Filecoin (FIL) to power the Video NFT market Filecoin will provide the necessary storage capacity for Video NFTs Video-based NFTs are gaining popularity and proof of ownership on Filecoin will be a gateway towards video origin verification The decentralized file storage project of Filecoin (FIL) will soon […]

cryptocurrency October 4, 2020

Advertisements In summary: The Filecoin Mainnet will launch at epoch 148,888 estimated to occur on October 15th ConsenSys Codefi has added support for Filecoin to accelerate the adoption of the Network This will be by enabling users with hosting needs to find the best storage prices from reputable miners Additionally, the DeFi bridge by Codefi […]

cryptocurrency July 4, 2020

Advertisements In brief: The Filecoin (FIL) mainnet is still on track for a Q3 launch.  CoinList to be the primary distributor of Filecoin tokens. To kick start development on the platform, a virtual hackathon has been launched by ETHGlobal and Protocol labs.  The event is meant to provide an environment for developers to build DApps […]