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cryptocurrency August 9, 2018

ShapeShift buys crypto-conversion startup Bitfract, Thailand says 20 companies have applied for Exchange Licenses, 94 companies join IBM and Maersk Blockchain. Advertisements ShapeShift Buys Crypto Conversion Startup Bitfract The cryptocurrency conversion platform ShapeShift has purchased Texas-based startup Bitfract. The startup has created a tool that allows users the ability to purchase multiple cryptocurrencies through a single […]

cryptocurrency July 17, 2018

IBM to launch cryptocurrency pegged to the US Dollar; Coinbase makes acquisitions and explores listing new assets Advertisements Photo from Shutterstock IBM to launch cryptocurrency pegged to US Dollar and ensured by the FDIC Announced on Tuesday, IBM is partnering with startup Stronghold to launch USD Anchor, a cryptocurrencty backed one-for-one with U.S. dollars. IBM has […]

cryptocurrency April 7, 2018

IBM join global blockchain identity project, Coinbase in talks to become licensed brokerage firm, top 5 cryptocurrency price changes, and more! Advertisements IBM has announced it is joining the Sovrin Foundation as a “founding steward.” Image from nopporn. IBM Joins Non-Profit To Build Global Blockchain-Based Identity Network IBM has announced it is joining the Sovrin Foundation as a […]

cryptocurrency February 7, 2018

Partnership Announcement On January 16, 2018 IBM and Maersk made a joint announcement that the two companies will work together on a project to provide a blockchain technology solution that simplifies payments for the global supply chain. This project aims to bring more transparency to the shipping industry and reduce global trade barriers. In turn, […]