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cryptocurrency December 7, 2019

It seems that Christmas is coming earlier for users of Ethereum. The blockchain behind the second-largest cryptocurrency is about to see what is known as the “Istanbul” hard fork or blockchain update, which is one of the network’s few-and-far-between and important named upgrades.According to Etherscan, an Ethereum-centric data and information platform, Istanbul will activate on […]

cryptocurrency October 25, 2019

Ethereum’s next system-wide upgrade, Istanbul, is scheduled to arrive on mainnet the week of Dec. 4. Advertisements The decision was made during an ethereum core developer call on Oct. 25. Later on Friday, Danno Ferrin, blockchain protocol engineer at ethereum venture studio ConsenSys, proposed activating Istanbul at block number 9,056,000 in accordance with the targeted […]

cryptocurrency September 30, 2019

Ethereum test network Ropsten has forked into two separate chains following the activation of system-wide upgrade Istanbul. Advertisements “It appears there are two different chains mining the Ropsten test network. There are miners mining on the old [Ropsten] chain and miners mining the new one,” explained Ethereum Foundation community manager Hudson Jameson, adding in a […]

cryptocurrency September 30, 2019

A system-wide upgrade is coming to ethereum’s Ropsten test network on Wednesday. And while “Istanbul” should ultimately introduce network efficiencies, the testnet launch won’t be smooth sailing for everyone. Advertisements For governance platform Aragon, in particular, the code changes are expected to break roughly 680 smart contracts, according to Aragon One CTO Jorge Izquierdo. These […]

cryptocurrency August 16, 2019

Ethereum core developers finalized late Thursday a list of six different code changes to be activated for ethereum’s next system-wide upgrade, Istanbul. Advertisements As agreed in prior meetings, Istanbul will be executed in two parts. The first, which will feature all six code changes, or ethereum improvement proposals (EIPs), is tentatively expected to execute on […]

cryptocurrency June 21, 2019

Two Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) have been approved for inclusion in ethereum’s next major upgrade, Istanbul. Advertisements These are the first two code changes to be officially approved for the Istanbul upgrade, which is tentatively targeted to activate on ethereum mainnet in October. In today’s bi-weekly call, developers discussed which of the nearly 30 EIPs […]

cryptocurrency May 25, 2019

More than two dozen ethereum improvement proposals (EIPs) have been submitted for review and inclusion in ethereum’s next system-wide upgrade or hard fork, dubbed Istanbul. Advertisements The list – with 28 official EIPs and at least one other set to be added – include changes to the $27 billion network that impact its mining algorithm, […]