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Lightning Network

cryptocurrency November 5, 2019

Ethereum developers are using the Lightning payments network to build bridges into the bitcoin ecosystem. Advertisements The venture-backed crypto startup Radar Relay, best known for its decentralized exchange (DEX) relayers for 0x, just launched a service called RedShift, which allows people to pay a lightning invoice from an ethereum wallet. Radar product lead Brandon Curtis […]

cryptocurrency August 2, 2019

While bitcoin and ethereum enthusiasts might not always get along, one enterprising gaming startup is attempting to bring the two cryptocurrencies closer together. Advertisements Blockade Games announced on July 31 that it has successfully bridged the two networks by sending a bitcoin lightning transaction in such a way that it can cause an ethereum smart contract […]

cryptocurrency February 15, 2018

Lightning is spreading across the cryptocurrency landscape. Advertisements Originally designed for use on bitcoin, the world’s largest cryptocurrency by market size was also the first to implement the concept, touted as a way to make transactions faster and cheaper by moving them to a layer above the blockchain. But with scalability emerging as a pressing issue across the […]

cryptocurrency January 24, 2018

You can’t have your cake and eat it too, the old saying goes. In the cryptocurrency space, the big question is whether you can have decentralization and scale it too. Advertisements The struggle between these two goals has become more noticeable as a rush of new enthusiasts have entered the space, lured by the technology […]