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cryptocurrency May 7, 2019

Tech giant Microsoft has released a suite of tools allowing clients to build ethereum-based apps on its cloud computing platform Azure. Advertisements The new Azure Blockchain Development Kit for Ethereum will help developers create and deploy ethereum-based apps on Azure Blockchain Service or the ethereum blockchain, Chris Pietschmann, Microsoft MVP (most valuable professional) and founder […]

cryptocurrency August 9, 2018

Microsoft has just rolled out an additional consensus mechanism for clients building ethereum-based apps on Azure that does away with mining. Advertisements Called “proof-of-authority,” the mechanism notably replaces the proof-of-work mining process that is common in public blockchains. However, it is only applicable in a permissioned network scenario – that is, on private or consortium blockchains […]

cryptocurrency June 25, 2018

Alibaba subsidiary begins sending payments with blockchain, E&Y partners with Microsoft on content rights platform, Tron aims to build out its voting system and more! Advertisements Microsoft partners with E&Y on content rights platform Ant Financial (Alibaba Subsidiary) Begins Trials For Blockchain Payment Remittance in Philippines As reported by CoinTelegraph, a subsidiary of Alibaba (Ant Financial) […]