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cryptocurrency August 24, 2018

Miners, investors, developers and more. Advertisements That’s a summary of the diverse set of ethereum stakeholders that will be in attendance at an upcoming developer call, according to Ethereum Foundation communication officer Hudson Jameson. Set to take place at 14:00 UTC Friday, the live-streamed meeting aims to address some of the platform’s most challenging questions ahead of […]

cryptocurrency August 9, 2018

Q&A With Apollo18’s Founder, Kirk Durbin Advertisements ICO Alert: For those who are not familiar with Apollo18, can you explain what it is, and what the team aims to accomplish? Apollo18 is a cryptocurrency mining operation based in Central Pennsylvania. Token holders are rewarded with Ethereum based on the profits generated by the mining farm. Apollo18’s […]

cryptocurrency May 1, 2018

In a letter to investors, Google co-founder Sergey Brin said that demand for the powerful computers used to mine ether and other cryptocurrencies has contributed to a “boom of computing.” Advertisements Brin wrote Saturday that several factors have led to a surge in computing power that has seen search giant Google’s own processors speed up […]

cryptocurrency April 12, 2018

Can public cryptocurrencies stay public? Advertisements That’s the simple question that lies at the heart of a complex debate happening across major cryptocurrencies, where developers from projects as diverse as ethereum, monero and zcash are up in arms over what to do about the arrival of a new form of hardware that could upend the delicate […]

cryptocurrency April 6, 2018

Vitalik Buterin is coming out against a proposal that would find the blockchain he created changing its software to limit the performance of mining hardware designed to yield a greater cut of the network’s rewards. Advertisements Buterin’s comments, issued in a biweekly developer meeting Friday, come in response to the launch of a new product […]

cryptocurrency April 3, 2018

ASIC-resistant no more? Advertisements That’s the question circulating Tuesday in the wake of news that Bitmain, the China-based maker of hardware specialized for cryptocurrency software, had developed a new “ASIC” mining chip designed specifically to process ethereum transactions and claim the protocol’s rewards. Bitmain confirmed the release of its Antminer E3 chips, which will retail […]