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cryptocurrency July 29, 2019

Sometimes, spreading the crypto gospel becomes a family business. Advertisements Natalia Ameline, mother of ethereum creator Vitalik Buterin and co-founder of the educational nonprofit CryptoChicks, is trying to establish blockchain literacy programs around the world. She told CoinDesk that CryptoChicks has run programs so far from Pakistan to Toronto with 608 students and young developers. […]

cryptocurrency March 28, 2018

What is Giftcoin? “Giftcoin aims to disrupt the $500 billion charitable donation market by providing complete transparency in charitable giving.” ~Alex Howard, Co-Founder ICO Alert Quick Facts Giftcoin is building a network where donors can be certain their money is being used ethically 1 ETH = 6000 GIFT tokens March 20, 2018 — April 20, 2018 (ICO 1), […]

cryptocurrency January 14, 2018

An interview with the team behind AidCoin and CharityStars My guests today are Francesco Fusetti, the Co-Founder & CEO of AidCoin, and Giorgio Venier, the Project Lead at AidCoin. AidChain is a new platform solving the biggest problems in the non-profit and charity sectors. During the podcast, we’ll talk about the AidCoin cryptocurrency, how the […]