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Other Public Protocols

cryptocurrency August 25, 2018

Do you believe in God? Would you put your cryptocurrency holdings on it? Advertisements Augur, an ethereum-based platform for betting on the outcome of real-world events, aims to be a repository of crowd-sourced knowledge for journalists, investors and policymakers, as well as an effective tool for hedging against adverse outcomes. But it’s also become one […]

cryptocurrency August 18, 2018

As they say, what’s weird in tech today just might be tomorrow’s next big thing. Advertisements If that’s the case, the world of digital, cryptographic collectibles may be high on the list of potential disruptive innovations. After all, where else can you “breed” digital items and come out with an ugly cat all your own? […]

cryptocurrency July 23, 2018

Amber Baldet, former JPMorgan blockchain program lead (and current CEO of Clovyr), has expressed her doubts about the proliferation of blockchain protocols: “Each of these blockchains speaks a different language,” she said in April. Advertisements Getting different blockchains to talk to one another has become a pressing issue, as more and more protocols pop up – […]

cryptocurrency July 17, 2018

Prediction platform Augur is fast attracting fans, at least if new data is any indication. Advertisements Revealed exclusively to CoinDesk, figures from Predictions.Global, a website that allows users to view Augur markets without installing the app, show the platform saw a spike in “open interest” from Sunday to Monday. A metric that denotes how much is […]

cryptocurrency July 12, 2018

“Proof-of-stake is solved.” Advertisements Even in an industry that’s seen no shortage of grand proclamations, those words, issued by entrepreneur Charles Hoskinson in April, grabbed attention. The CEO of blockchain firm IOHK (and one-time CEO of Ethereum), Hoskinson was seeking to send a message about a new research paper, one he believes proved that the […]