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Other Public Protocols

cryptocurrency January 24, 2018

You can’t have your cake and eat it too, the old saying goes. In the cryptocurrency space, the big question is whether you can have decentralization and scale it too. Advertisements The struggle between these two goals has become more noticeable as a rush of new enthusiasts have entered the space, lured by the technology […]

cryptocurrency January 11, 2018

What if there were no exchanges to hack? Advertisements As a new generation of crypto users begin to invest in the technology, developers are growing concerned about its infrastructure. They’ve seen this happen before – new users enter the space attracted by big gains, then suddenly, a catastrophic failure, usually at the very exchanges designed […]

cryptocurrency December 18, 2017

I sent $25 of Bitcoin from one address (in Coinbase) to another (Kraken). – $25 sent– $16 fee– $41 total 40% of the total transaction in fees. unbelievable — Kristian Freeman (@imkmf) December 8, 2017 Ready to send your first bitcoin? That will be $26 please… Advertisements Sure, that’s on the high end of what you might […]