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cryptocurrency August 7, 2018

Disclaimer: ICO Alert does not endorse or recommend participating in any initial coin offerings, including EOS. ICO Alert does not receive any compensation for the Everything EOS Podcast from Block.One or EOS, however, Robert Finch and Zack Gall do both personally own EOS tokens. Advertisements Episode #17: Lumeos DApp Spotlight Special Guest: Ali Ayyash — CEO of […]

cryptocurrency August 4, 2018

A casual conversation with the ICO Alert Team Welcome to the tenth rendition of the ICO Alert Roundtable: an off-the-cuff discussion covering current events in crypto hosted by Zach Quezada & Evan Schindler. Advertisements Follow us on Twitter: Our guest this episode is Malta Blockchain Summit Brand Ambassador —Carla Maree Vella Some of the topics we […]

cryptocurrency August 2, 2018

It’s one of the biggest debates in cryptocurrency. Is code law? Or is the intent of code law? Should bugs on the blockchain be allowed to stand unchanged, or should they be fixed retroactively? On Bitgenstein’s Table, we consider 2,500 years of the wisest human thought in philosophy, psychology, sociology, economics, and more to make […]

cryptocurrency July 30, 2018

LendLedger explanation video On this week’s episode I talk to the CEO of LendLedger, Gautam Ivatury. We discuss the LendLedger project, the live private presale, the current lending business and more! LendLedger unlocks data on informal and small business borrowers, making it viable for lenders to offer trillions in loans to these untapped segments. Think […]

cryptocurrency July 27, 2018

Like Galileo, Descartes felt too threatened to publicly question some prevailing opinions. Perhaps he had some internal inhibitions, too. Advertisements It’s difficult to question what everyone else believes. Just ask Lucas Goodwin from House of Cards. Just ask an activist whose views, despite having intelligent arguments for them, are still marginalized by much of society — a […]

cryptocurrency July 26, 2018

The ICO Alert Podcast showcases exclusive, in-depth interviews with founders of past, present, and future Initial Coin Offerings and service providers. New episodes are released weekly. If you’d like, you can request a guest to appear on a future episode by tweeting us @icoalert Advertisements The ICO Alert Podcast is available on iTunes and anywhere […]

cryptocurrency July 25, 2018

A casual conversation with the ICO Alert Team Welcome to the ninth rendition of the ICO Alert Roundtable: an off-the-cuff discussion covering current events in crypto hosted by Zach Quezada & Evan Schindler. Advertisements Follow us on Twitter: Our guest this episode is REM Loyalty’s Founder — Zdravko Loborec. Some of the topics we covered include: Advertisements Bitcoin […]

cryptocurrency July 19, 2018

Bitgenstein’s Table, the Crypto Philosophy Podcast, ep. 3 Bitgenstein’s Table: the Crypto Philosophy Podcast applies 2500 years of the wisest human thought in philosophy, psychology, sociology, history, and economics to the future of blockchain & cryptocurrency & how to make better decisions. Advertisements I’m joined this week by my colleague Ryan Dennis, Head of Content at […]

cryptocurrency July 12, 2018

At the famous conference in Yalta, where that photograph was taken of Franklin Roosevelt, Stalin, and Winston Churchill all sitting on a bench deciding the fate of Europe after World War II, Churchill remarked to Stalin that the forced collectivization must have cost millions of lives. = Advertisements The British Prime Minister later reported that […]

cryptocurrency July 6, 2018

The latest addition to the ICO Alert podcast series kicks off a change we’ll be making over the coming weeks: separate podcasts under the name of ICO Alert. Advertisements On Bitgenstein’s Table, we consider 2,500 years of the wisest human thought in philosophy, psychology, sociology, economics, and more to make better decisions. Some episodes will […]