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cryptocurrency May 15, 2020

Advertisements Reddit has revealed plans to create a system of Ethereum tokens to incentivize quality posts and comments. Reddit Gold could soon be replaced by tokens on Ethereum, a recent slide presentation by Reddit reveals. The idea is that users will be awarded points by their fellow subreddit users. These points can then be spent […]

cryptocurrency May 13, 2020

Last month, as reported by NewsBTC, leaked screenshots suggested that Reddit was dabbling in Ethereum.Information shared by a user named “MagoCrypto” indicated that the giant social media forum with hundreds of millions of active users had attached an Ethereum address to the accounts of a limited set of users.Mago suggested that from the information he […]

cryptocurrency May 12, 2019

Taylor Monahan, the CEO of crypto wallet startup MyCrypto, has been moderator for the ethereum subreddit channel since 2016. Advertisements That year, the ethereum Reddit channel was just breaking over the 10,000 subscribers mark, according to SubRedditStats. Today, the same channel boasts over 400,000 subscribers and is ranked within the top 600 most popular channels […]

cryptocurrency February 8, 2018

Elected officials in Berkeley, California, may conduct an ICO to raise funding for affordable housing. Image from Sheila Fitzgerald. LianLian International Joining RippleNet Chinese payment provider, LianLian International, is joining Ripple’s payment network, RippleNet, to facilitate cross-border transactions. According to CoinDesk, LianLian International is only using Ripple’s underlying technology, not its cryptocurrency (XRP). The new […]