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cryptocurrency July 2, 2023

In a recent community call, the team behind the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) revealed plans to adopt a Layer-2 platform in light of increasing gas fees on the mainnet. In response to this planned move, ENS prices climbed roughly 10%, floating higher with increasing trading volumes, evident in the daily chart. Advertisements The Ethereum Name Service […]

cryptocurrency May 2, 2019

Code for ethereum’s highly-anticipated proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain is on course to be finalized as early as sometime next month. Advertisements In a bi-weekly call between ethereum developers, Ethereum Foundation researcher Justin Drake said that code specifications for the first phase of ethereum’s transition to a proof-of-stake network were “on track” to be finalized by June […]

cryptocurrency April 19, 2018

The Slavic god of lightning, Perun, is entering the ethereum ecosystem (in spirit at least). Advertisements Inspired by bitcoin’s lightning network, a group of researchers hailing from Warsaw have unveiled a new white paper entitled “Foundations of State Channel Networks,” which outlines a protocol designed to help ethereum scale to support higher volumes of more complex smart […]

cryptocurrency March 27, 2018

Could adding a new fee help preserve ethereum in the long term? Advertisements It’s a contentious statement in light of the debates ongoing across blockchains over how and when users should pay to support what amount to global computing networks. However, the concept is now gaining notable momentum on ethereum, most recently from the creator of […]

cryptocurrency March 15, 2018

A TechStars-incubated startup has launched what looks like the first production-ready platform designed to increase the capacity of ethereum. Advertisements Called Loom Network, the little-known company is today releasing a developer toolkit that makes it possible to deploy scalable ethereum apps on the second-largest cryptocurrency network, effectively leapfrogging ongoing efforts such as Raiden Network and Plasma. […]

cryptocurrency February 18, 2018

A cryptocurrency modeled after a dog meme is proving yet again it’s not just a joke. Advertisements Created on a whim in 2013, dogecoin isn’t simply still around, it’s playing a crucial role in the ongoing testing of at least one “serious” technology. In fact, on February 5, it notably factored into an experiment that successfully […]

cryptocurrency January 24, 2018

You can’t have your cake and eat it too, the old saying goes. In the cryptocurrency space, the big question is whether you can have decentralization and scale it too. Advertisements The struggle between these two goals has become more noticeable as a rush of new enthusiasts have entered the space, lured by the technology […]

cryptocurrency December 7, 2017

Etherians everywhere are pawsitively catty after their own blockchain became bogged down by a transaction bottleneck related to digital kittehz. Advertisements CryptoKitties is a type of game played over Ethereum in which players collect and breed digital avatars of cats. Although the game is barely two weeks old, it has already managed to cause quite […]