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cryptocurrency September 11, 2018

On this episode of the ICO Alert Podcast, I talk with Thomas Schouten, Head of Marketing at Lisk. We talk about Lisk’s use of sidechains, their competition and where Lisk is headed in 2018 and 2019. Advertisements I have a lot of respect for the Lisk team and have had the pleasure of meeting many […]

cryptocurrency March 15, 2018

A TechStars-incubated startup has launched what looks like the first production-ready platform designed to increase the capacity of ethereum. Advertisements Called Loom Network, the little-known company is today releasing a developer toolkit that makes it possible to deploy scalable ethereum apps on the second-largest cryptocurrency network, effectively leapfrogging ongoing efforts such as Raiden Network and Plasma. […]

cryptocurrency January 3, 2018

RSK is launching its bitcoin smart contracts platform in beta today. Advertisements Formerly known as Rootstock, the startup has long been lauded for its potential to pave the way for the implementation of ethereum-style smart contracts on bitcoin, something enthusiasts believe will keep the world’s largest cryptocurrency competitive with the platform that arguably pioneered the idea […]