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cryptocurrency May 2, 2018

The historical moment when leaders from South and North Korea met on April 27 and signed an agreement for peace between the two nations has now been permanently recorded on the ethereum blockchain. Advertisements According to a report from CoinDesk Korea, Ryu Gi-hyeok, a 27-year-old game developer from South Korea, has coded the Panmunjom Declaration, which […]

cryptocurrency April 22, 2018

New code written to change the way the ethereum network reaches consensus is now ready for review, developers said Friday. Advertisements Ethereum improvement proposal (EIP) 1011, known as Hybrid Casper FFG (short for “Friendly Finality Gadget”), would implement the first step in a long-planned shift away from the energy-intensive mining process and toward towards a […]

cryptocurrency April 19, 2018

The Slavic god of lightning, Perun, is entering the ethereum ecosystem (in spirit at least). Advertisements Inspired by bitcoin’s lightning network, a group of researchers hailing from Warsaw have unveiled a new white paper entitled “Foundations of State Channel Networks,” which outlines a protocol designed to help ethereum scale to support higher volumes of more complex smart […]

cryptocurrency April 6, 2018

Vitalik Buterin is coming out against a proposal that would find the blockchain he created changing its software to limit the performance of mining hardware designed to yield a greater cut of the network’s rewards. Advertisements Buterin’s comments, issued in a biweekly developer meeting Friday, come in response to the launch of a new product […]

cryptocurrency April 3, 2018

Bitcoin mining hardware firm Bitmain unveiled its long-rumored ethereum mining tech on Monday. Advertisements The Antminer E3 is set to ship this July, according to Bitmain’s website, at a price of $800 per unit. According to statements, the company is limiting orders to “one unit per user” with restrictions on shipping to China and Taiwan. […]

cryptocurrency April 2, 2018

Just trolling – but maybe we should do it anyway. Advertisements That’s the gist of a tweetstorm Monday from Vitalik Buterin, in which the ethereum creator said his proposal to create a hard cap on the supply of ether tokens was intended as an April Fool’s “meta-joke.” While he said he originally just wanted to […]

cryptocurrency April 1, 2018

Vitalik Buterin has penned a new proposal that could lay the foundation for resolving one of the ethereum network’s biggest outstanding questions – whether a limit on the amount of ether that could be created would ever be set. Advertisements In a new ethereum improvement proposal (EIP) authored April 1, the cryptocurrency’s creator issued his […]

cryptocurrency March 21, 2018

One crypto token on two different blockchains? Advertisements While it might sound unlikely, social messaging app Kik has announced it’ll be doing just that with its “kin” token, which allowed the company to raise $98 million in an initial coin offering (ICO) in September. After some back and forth about which blockchain the company wanted […]

cryptocurrency March 20, 2018

After raising $12 million in its first round of venture capital funding, CryptoKitties will break away from its creator, Canadian blockchain startup Axiom Zen, the company announced Tuesday. Advertisements The ethereum-based app, which has enjoyed tremendous popularity since its launch in December of 2017, allows users to buy, collect, breed and exchange unique digital cats […]