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cryptocurrency January 15, 2022

Key Takeaways Tax season is approaching. Crypto investors may be liable for income tax and capital gains tax based on their activity. Capital gains tax and income taxes are applied differently based on the nature of crypto transactions. Share this article URL Copied Advertisements Crypto Briefing brings you a comprehensive guide on calculating cryptocurrency tax […]

cryptocurrency April 16, 2018

IRS claims less than 100 people have claimed their cryptocurrency holdings on their taxes so far, top 5 cryptocurrency price changes, and more! Advertisements The U.S. Internal Revenue Service has claimed that as of April 13, 2018, less than 100 individuals have reported capital gains from cryptocurrency holdings. Image from Devrim Pinar. Less than 0.05 Percent Of […]

cryptocurrency February 9, 2018

Why is the U.S. Government Cool with Bitcoin Now? Last year decentralized currency was labeled a black market for money laundering. In Banking on Bitcoin, the opening scene shows Charlie Shrem, a founding member of the Bitcoin Foundation, wearing an ankle bracelet awaiting a two-year prison sentence. He was charged with aiding and abetting the operation […]