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cryptocurrency August 8, 2018

Ukraine uses blockchain for voting trail; SEC postpones decision on Bitcoin ETF; Opera browser to add wallet feature to desktop. Advertisements Image courtesy of DailyNews. Ukraine uses Blockchain for Voting Trail According to a Facebook post, Ukraine is working on a voting platform using the NEM blockchain. The head of the State Register at the Central […]

cryptocurrency May 23, 2018

When people think of ethereum, they generally think also of the protocol’s developer Vitalik Buterin, now – off his creation – a multi-millionaire. Advertisements No doubt, Buterin is a leader of sorts for the community, even if decision-making is somewhat decentralized. And above that, ethereum’s most active developers have a significant amount of say in […]

cryptocurrency May 1, 2018

As ethereum, now the world’s second most valuable blockchain, grows larger and more diverse, it’s becoming clear its mechanisms for getting input from its constituency are proving problematic. Advertisements Indeed, a series of proposals targeted at controversial topics – lost fund recovery, the ether supply rate and the emergence of new mining hardware – have […]

cryptocurrency February 21, 2018

Even as Russia stands accused of meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, its national capital is taking a leadership role in making democracy more transparent. Advertisements Using an existing program called Active Citizen, the city of Moscow has been allowing residents to cast votes for measures ranging from the name of their new metro […]