The number of scam sites claiming to be associated with the Telegram ICO are increasing. Image from Parilov.
People’s Bank of China Reportedly Orders Beijing-Based Financial Institutions to Stop Facilitating Cryptocurrency Trading Activities
As reported by Coin Desk, the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) has reportedly ordered payment providers in Beijing to stop facilitating cryptocurrency trading activities. As of yesterday, payment providers are required to investigate transactions for cryptocurrency trading-related activity. The document appears to only require such due diligence from payment providers located in Beijing.
Scammers Claiming to Be Associated with Telegram ICO Stealing Money from Eager Investors
Scammers have been creating fake websites claiming to be associated with the USD 1.2 billion Telegram ICO and stealing money from eager investors. According to Tech Crunch, several scam websites — such as Gramtoken.io (now offline), ton-gram.io, grampreico.com and tgram.cc — have been offering investment opportunities in the popular upcoming ICO by Telegram. Some scam sites have even paid for Facebook ads to increase their visibility. The public round of Telegram’s ICO is planned for March 2018.
Canadian Government Working with Bitaccess’ Platform to Publish Grants and Contribution Data to Ethereum Blockchain
The National Research Council of Canada, through its Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP), is now using Bitaccess’ Catena Blockchain Suite. Bitaccess’ Catena Blockchain Suite is “a set of software services that allows public institutions to publish complex datasets onto a Blockchain, such as Ethereum.” According to a press release from Bitaccess, NRC IRAP is using the platform to publish grants and real-time contribution data to the Ethereum blockchain.
Source: ICO Alert