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Day: May 7, 2018

cryptocurrency May 7, 2018

Japan’s FSA releases guidelines on cryptocurrency exchanges, top 5 cryptocurrency price changes, and more! Advertisements The Financial Services Agency (FSA) of Japan has written five guidelines cryptocurrency exchanges must follow to operate in the country. Image from lucadp. Japan’s Financial Services Agency Releases Guidelines on Cryptocurrency Exchanges Japan’s Financial Services Agency (FSA) has written five guidelines cryptocurrency […]

cryptocurrency May 7, 2018

The Kenyan government may eventually try to move its land deed registry onto a blockchain-based platform, but it recently encountered resistance as it attempted to take the intermediate step of moving those records onto a non-blockchain digital platform. Advertisements A team convened by the Kenyan government to explore potential applications of several emerging technologies will […]

cryptocurrency May 7, 2018

Bermuda’s premier has announced three significant developments for the island’s economy, including a new agreement with blockchain firm Medici Ventures. Advertisements In an announcement today, David Burt, premier and minister of finance of Bermuda, has revealed three important developments for the island nation, two of which are based on agreements with blockchain and cryptocurrency giants […]

cryptocurrency May 7, 2018

Contents Advertisements Reddit Cryptocurrencies adaptation Bitcoin has been created to enable fast, anonymous and most importantly secure payments to people from all over the world, without the need to rely on banks and third-party services or intermediaries. It’s therefore good to hear when it gets adapted and brought into wider and mainstream platforms. Reddit Reddit […]

cryptocurrency May 7, 2018

Lisk is an open source platform designed to host decentralized applications on the blockchain.  Advertisements Main Features The LSK digital currency is the internal token of Lisk. Built with Java, one of the most popular programming language, Lisk has effectively created the framework for widespread development of dapps on the blockchain by programmers. In essence, […]