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cryptocurrency August 2, 2020

Advertisements A look into DeFi versus ICOs as another year passes for Ethereum. The Ethereum network has just turned five years old. Although the project was first announced at the North American Bitcoin Conference in January 2014, its genesis block was only mined on July 30, 2015. Since then, Ether (ETH) has become the dominating […]

cryptocurrency August 1, 2020

Advertisements Ethereum price hit a 2-year high today and 3 factors suggest the altcoin could rally even higher. In the last two weeks, Ether (ETH) price increased by 75% as the price rallied from $222 to $400. Many investors believe Ether’s momentum is buoying the entire market, and possibly even pushing Bitcoin (BTC) upwards. Advertisements […]

cryptocurrency August 1, 2020

Advertisements In brief: Earlier today, Etheruem Classic experienced a chain split that hinted of a possible 51% attack.  Crypto exchanges were advised to pause deposits and withdrawals.  Investigations are still ongoing with an initial diagnosis hinting that the chain split was not malicious in nature.  Unmined transactions will be re-submitted.  Earlier today, EtherChain, the team […]

cryptocurrency August 1, 2020

Advertisements Ethereum classic was attacked? ETC network briefly goes down for maintenance, diagnosis report explains what happened. On August 1, several figures associated with Ethereum Classic (ETC) took to Twitter to inform the community of issues with the ETC blockchain. Among the first was Ethereum Foundation member Hudson Jameson who stated that: “Exchanges need to […]

cryptocurrency August 1, 2020

Advertisements Quick summary: The short term correlation between Ethereum and Bitcoin is gradually dropping. The drop could signal the end of a 3-year high correlation between BTC and ETH. The last time Ethereum’s correlation with Bitcoin dropped significantly, was in 2017 and before the crypto-wide bull cycle. The short term correlation between Ethereum (ETH) and […]

cryptocurrency July 31, 2020

Key Takeaways Transaction and gas costs on Ethereum have surged in 2020 While the increase in Gas costs coincided with the DeFi craze, data shows that the sector is not the primary reason behind Ethereum’s clogged network The Ethereum-based Ponzi scheme Forsage drives transaction fees up because of its expensive registration procedure Share this article […]

cryptocurrency July 31, 2020

Advertisements How far has the Ethereum blockchain come in the five years since its inception? We explore key developments, changes and challenges. It would seem that five years is a relatively short time for an information technology company, but Ethereum has made colossal progress during this time, growing from its own initial coin offering project […]

cryptocurrency July 31, 2020

Key Takeaways yEarn was technically born in January 2020 as iEarn, until rebranding and launching new features last month. The platform automates much of the complexity behind yield farming and is controlled by holders of its native governance token, YFI. Andre Cronje has developed a cult-like following due to his software prowess, speed, and creativity […]