Ads displayed on YouTube covertly siphon visitors’ CPUs and electricity to mine Monero for anonymous attackers. Image from Sergey Nivens.
Investors Put USD 240 Million Into Two Blockchain-Focused ETFs in Just Two Weeks
According to CNBC, investors have put approximately USD 240 million into two blockchain-focused ETFs over the past two weeks. Amplify Transformation Data Sharing ETF increased from USD 2 million to USD 164.9 million over a two-week period. The Reality Shares Nasdaq NexGen Economy ETF increased nine-fold in just one week to reach USD 86.27 million.
USD 400 Million-Worth of NEM Disappears from CoinCheck’s Exchange
CoinCheck Inc., one of Japan’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, lost about USD 400 million in NEM tokens. As reported by Bloomberg, Coincheck Inc. claimed that the coins were sent “illicitly” outside of its platform. In response, CoinCheck suspended all withdrawals, halted trading in all tokens except Bitcoin, and stopped deposits into NEM coins.
Hackers Use YouTube Ads to Mine Monero
Ads displayed on YouTube covertly siphon visitors’ CPUs and electricity to mine Monero for anonymous attackers. According to ARSTechnica.com, users have been claiming that their antivirus programs were detecting cryptocurrency mining code when they visited YouTube. The warnings occurred regardless of which browser they were using. Researchers at Trend Micro claim the the attackers used Google’s DoubleClick ad platform to inject CoinHive mining code into YouTube ads displayed in Japan, France, Taiwan, Italy, and Spain.
Australia’s Brisbane Airport to Accept Cryptocurrency Payments
As reported by CoinDesk, Australia’s Brisbane Airport will use TravelbyBit’s platform accept cryptocurrency payments within the airport’s shopping areas. TravelbyBit enables travellers to use Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash and other cryptocurrencies to purchase merchandise and meals. Roel Hellemons, Brisbane Airport Corporation’s (BAC’s) general manager of strategic planning and development, claimed that this launch will make the Brisbane Airport the first airport to accept cryptocurrency payments.
Source: ICO Alert