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Day: March 15, 2018

cryptocurrency March 15, 2018

A TechStars-incubated startup has launched what looks like the first production-ready platform designed to increase the capacity of ethereum. Advertisements Called Loom Network, the little-known company is today releasing a developer toolkit that makes it possible to deploy scalable ethereum apps on the second-largest cryptocurrency network, effectively leapfrogging ongoing efforts such as Raiden Network and Plasma. […]

cryptocurrency March 15, 2018

Ethereum News Update Earlier this week, just days before the U.S. House of Representatives would hold a hearing on cryptocurrencies, one government official turned his attention toward the American government’s favorite punching bag: Venezuela. Advertisements The U.S. official in question is Florida Senator Bill Nelson. Senator Nelson sent a letter to the Treasury Secretary on […]

cryptocurrency March 15, 2018

Google to ban ICO and cryptocurrency ads, U.S. House Committee debates future regulation of ICOs and cryptocurrencies, top 5 cryptocurrency price changes, and more! Advertisements Google disclosed its intention to ban ICO and cryptocurrency advertising from its ad network.Image from Aa Amie. Google To Ban ICO and Cryptocurrency-Related Advertisements Starting in June 2018 Google, the world’s largest search […]

cryptocurrency March 15, 2018

NAGA announced pre-registration of 10,000 NAGA Debit card available for ‘early birds’ NAGA Debit Card is at the forefront of  becoming the first fully-functioning, crypto-related debit card in circulation. Holders can utilize the card in any part of the world with their virtual earnings, wherever MasterCard is accepted. The Debit Card will function as a […]