Google to ban ICO and cryptocurrency ads, U.S. House Committee debates future regulation of ICOs and cryptocurrencies, top 5 cryptocurrency price changes, and more!

Google To Ban ICO and Cryptocurrency-Related Advertisements Starting in June 2018
Google, the world’s largest search engine and online ad provider, disclosed its intention to ban ICO and cryptocurrency advertising from its ad network. According to CNBC, Google updated its financial services policy to restrict advertising for “cryptocurrencies and related content” beginning in June 2018. Facebook, which is the second largest online ad provider, banned ICO and cryptocurrency advertising from its platform in January 2018.
U.S. House of Representatives Financial Committee Holds Hearing on Cryptocurrencies and ICOs
The U.S. House of Representatives Financial Committee held a hearing entitled “Examining the Cryptocurrencies and ICO Markets.” According to Bitcoin Magazine, hearing participants debated “the economic efficiencies and potential capital formation opportunities that cryptocurrencies and ICOs offer to businesses and investors.” Participants also expressed a desire to clarify the government’s regulation of ICOs and cryptocurrencies as blockchain technology becomes increasingly adopted — including the possibility of categorizing different cryptocurrencies as “digitally scarce commodities and securities tokens.”
Coinbase Reaches Agreement with Barclays to Improve Payment Speed for U.K. Customers
Coinbase has partnered with Barclays, a large U.K. bank, to make easier for British customers to use its product. According to CNBC, Coinbase also obtained an e-money license from the U.K.’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), and adds support for the Faster Payments Scheme (FPS). The FPS will become available to all U.K. customers “within the coming weeks” according to Coinbase’s U.K.-based CEO, Zeeshan Feroz.
Blok.Party to Launch Blockchain-Powered PlayTable by End of 2018
Blok.Party, a San Francisco-based company, has announced it is launching the PlayTable, a hybrid of video games console and table-sized tablet that utilizes blockchain technology to power board games, by the end of this year. According to The Guardian, the PlayTable will launch with digital versions of Catan, Ticket to Ride, and Texas Hold ’Em. The PlayTable will have a starting price of USD 349.
Source: ICO Alert