EOS releases final version of test network, Monero hard fork results in four new blockchains, top 5 cryptocurrency price changes, and more!

EOS Announces Release of Final Version of Its Test Network, Dawn 3.0
Open source software publisher Block.one has announced the release of the third version of its blockchain platform, EOS.io Dawn 3.0. As reported by CoinTelegraph, Block.one claims this release represents a “major milestone” as it prepares to release its production-ready platform, EOS.io 1.0, in June 2018. This release follows an announcement from Block.one and FinLab AG, in which the companies disclosed a fund of USD 100 million for EOS-based software.
Monero Hard Fork Results In Four New Monero Subchains
Monero recently hard forked its blockchain, resulting in four new Monero subchains. According to Bitcoin Magazine, the Monero community was split on the best way to move forward. There is now Monero Classic (XMC), Monero 0 (XMZ), Monero Original (XMO), and another Monero Classic (XMC) — all of which are descendants of version 11 of the Monero protocol.
State Bank of Pakistan Reiterates It Has Not Authorized Any Person or Entity to Deal in Cryptocurrencies
The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has published a clarification, stating cryptocurrency are “not legal tender, issued or guaranteed by the Government of Pakistan.” According to Fortune.com, SBP also announced that it has not authorized or licensed any individual or entity to facilitate the transfer or purchase of cryptocurrencies in the country. While neither Pakistan nor India have technically banned cryptocurrencies, they will significantly impede the ability of citizens to transfer the countries’ fiat to cryptocurrency exchanges.
Overstock CFO Leaves Company to Join Blockchain-Technology Joint Venture
Robert Hughes has left his role as CFO at Overstock.com to become the CFO of the blockchain-technology joint venture, DeSoto Inc., which involves Overstock’s CEO, Patrick Byrne. According to the Wall Street Journal, Overstock announced Gregory J. Iverson will become its new CFO.
Source: ICO Alert